Chapter 4 WOP Flashcards
3 factoren van emoties
- psychological
- physiological
- behavioural
difference emotions and moods
emotions: directed towards something, quick
moods: not directed towards something, last longer
2 kenmerken van emoties
valence (pos - neg) and activation
cluster of beliefs, feelings and behavioural intentions towards a person/object/event
verschil attitude and emotion
attitudes -> judgements, stable
emotions -> experiences, quick
difference beliefs, feelings and behavioural intentions
beliefs: perceptions
feelings; how you feel
behavioural intentions: motivation om bepaald gedrag uit te voeren
cognitive dissonance
when beliefs, feelings or behavioural intentions are incongruent -> we want to make them stable again, by changing one of these elements
emotional labor
the effort, planning and control you need to show desired emotions at work
emotional dissonance
als je eigen emoties niet overeenkomen met de gewilde emoties
hoe lossen mensen die emotional dissonance op
- surface acting: pretend you feel the emotion
- deep acting: echt het voelen van de emotie
emotional intelligence
perceive and express emotions, understand and reason with emotions, control your own emotions and others
4 dimensions van emotional intelligence figure
recognition: self-awareness, social awareness
regulation: self-management, relational management
EVLN model staat voor…
Exit: get away from conflict, door bijvoorbeeld transfer, andere groep of zelfs ander bedrijf
Voice: change situation
Loyalty: waiting until it changes
Neglect: less effort, more absenteeism
job satisfaction leidt niet perse tot hogere productiviteit!!
affective commitment leidt tot …
minder absenteeism en minder weggaan, meer motivation en iets betere performance. maar wel high conformity -> minder creativity
continuance commitment =
gewoon blijven omdat je geen andere keuze hebt.
minder motivatie, lower performance, less organizational citizenship
building organizational commitment
- justices and support
- trust
- employee involvement
- shared values
- organizational comprehension
adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threathening to the persons well being.
physiological & psychological state that prepares us to adapt to the hostile environment.
deviation from healthy functioning
general adaptation syndrome 3 stages
- alarm reaction
- resistance
- exhaustion
job burnout 3 factors
exhaustion, cynicism, reduced feelings of personal accomplishments
3 important stressors
harassment, invicilicy, low task control (people are more stressed when they lack control over the pace of work activity)