Chapter 6 Unit Test Flashcards
CS (Controlled Stimulus)
What is added to uncontrolled stimulus
CR (Controlled Response)
Final response; follows controlled stimulus (reaction; often uncontrollable)
US (Uncontrolled Stimulus)
First thing that causes a response
UR (Uncontrolled Response)
Response to the first stimulus (reaction; often uncontrollable)
Neutral Stimulus
Irrelevant until paired with unconditioned stimulus.
Example of Neutral Stimulus
When tone is sounded without food irrelevant; but with food(us) it becomes a conditioned stimulus.
Used to stimulus; natural habitat
Associative learning
Pairing stimuli together
Example of associative learning
Cold weather paired with a jacket
Classical conditioning
Associating two things together.
Does not include rewards/punishments
Operant Conditioning
“Operator”; rewards/punishment
Behaviorism was discovered by
B.F. Skinner
Permanent change in behavior.
Learning that is remembered an improved.
Higher-order conditioning
Two or more conditioned stimulus’
Conditioned response disappears
Example of extinction
stimulus with out representation of learned response
spontaneous recovery
when extincted response is randomly recovered after a long period of time
Grouping two similar things together.
Example of generalization
Afraid of pets because you were attacked by a neighbors dog.
Telling a difference between similar things
Example discrimination
Telling a difference between a bird and bee even though they both fly.
Who introduced behaviorism?
John B. Watson
Observational Learning
Watching/ copying another.
Fear is a
conditioned response
Pain is a
unconditioned response
shaping is used in ______ conditioning
Law of effect:
Rewarded behavior is likely to recur
The amount your brain may process or its importance
pro-social behavior
benefits others not your self
antin-social behavior
harming others for your own benefit
Receiving a parking ticket is a
positive punishment
intrinsic motivation
perform behavior effectively for ones own sake
positive punishment
take away behavior
positive punishment adds
Positive punishment example
spanking, yelling.
negative punishment
take away behavior
Negative punishment removes
example of negative punishment
Removing a childs phone
negative reinforcement
strengthens behavior
negative reinforcement example
puts on seat belt due to a beep
positive reinforcement
strengthens behavior
positive reinforcement
adds positive behavior
Positive reinforcement example
paying someone for their work
mirror neurons are also
frontal lobe neurons
taking away
extrinsic motivation
desire to perform behavior for desired promised rewards or avoid threatened punishment.
mirror neurons
they fire when performing certain actions or observing others
observing and imitating a specific behavior.
sudden realization of the solution to a problem,
cognitive map
mental representation of one’s environment
fixed- ratio
reinforce behavior after a set number or responses
example of fixed-ratio
buy 10 coffees get a free 1
unpredictable number or responses
variable-ratio example
every so often; reinforce the first response after a fixed time period
fixed-interval example
checking for the mail
reinforce the first response after a VARYING time interval
B.F. Skinner developed
operant conditioning
The skinner box
operant chamber/ used for animal to learn certain associations through operant conditioning.
primary reinforcers
basic need/unlearned
conditioned reinforcers
gain power through primary/ linked with desire
conditioned reinforcer example
association/ linking light with receiving food
created law of effectJ
Ivan Pavlov discovered
classical conditioning
Ivan Pavlov also
first time ever defined learning through the experiment involving dog’s saliva
John Watson
Proved that fear was a conditioned response
John Watson used
classical conditioning
Albert bandura
bobo doll experiment
Albert bandura significance
showed influence of modeling through observational learning
John Garcia
Discovered taste aversion in animals/humans
John Garcia significance
rats only tasted water once and were continuously ill/ elaborated on classical conditioning
is machinery/software used to evaluate and control bodies effects due to behavior