Chapter 6 Online Notes: Managing Human Resources Flashcards
What are 6 recent population trends
a) The rise of dual earner couples
b) Fewer children
c) Waiting later to get married the first time
d) Population is aging
e) more mothers with young children in the workforce
f) Increased rates of cohabitation and common law relationships
What are three categories of human resources
a) cognitive
b) Affective
c) Psychomotor
Define Human Capital
The sum total of human resources, all the capabilities, traits and other resources used to achieve goals
Define Demography
The study of the characteristics of human population
Demographics is
the data used to describe populations or subgroups
What are 3 main factors that affect demographics
a) Births
b) Deaths
c) Immigration
What is the Formula for population density
Land area divided by population = population density
What is the province with highest density?
What is the province with the lowest density
North west territories and Nunavut
What is the Crude birth rate
the number of live births for every 1000 people in the population
Fertility rate
Yearly number of births per 1000 women on child bearing age
Canada infant mortality rates in 2009 are
Manitoba infant mortality rates in 2009
Nunavut infant mortality rates in 2009 are
True or False; Women have longer life expectancy than men
What is the life expectancy in Canada for females, males, and average
Females: 83
Males: 79
Average: 81
What are 5 possible reasons why death rate is dropping
1) Increased life expectancy
2) Better nutrition, fitness
3) Improved health care
4) Decrease in infant mortality rates
5) Work
in 2006 how much of the total population are aboriginal
Define Adaptability
the ability to cope with change