Chapter 6: Minerals (Oct 8 lec) Flashcards
3 places in the body that sodium is located;
- surface of bone crystals
- plasma
- nerve and muscle tissues
list 4 functions of sodium
- osmotic pressure
- sodium electrochemical gradients
- acid base balance
- nerve transmission
Animals have an innate desire to consume salt.
- Consuming it above actual requirements =_____
- no harmful effects if ___ is available
- high sodium intake in humans can lead to ___ ___ ___
- “luxury consumption”
- water
- high blood pressure
Na is absorbed in the ___ ___ ___ via __ ___
proximal small intestine
active transport
There is no limit to Na absorption capacity; most dietary Na (inc in water) is absorbed
List 4 ways that excess salt can be excreted
- urine
- feces
- sweat
- in sea birds: some have a gland in their head that concentrates Na from the blood: excretes excess Na through beak tube (this allows them to drink sea water)
List some signs of Na deficiency
- salt craving/ pica
- weakness/ cramps
- decreased appetite
- body weight loss
- cannibalism in laying hens- can be a behavioral problem after the nutritional problem is solved
What happens if high salt diet is consumed with limited water?
- nervousness
- muscular twitching
- blindness
- diarrhea
- death is prolonged/ severe
hair, wool, and feathers contain the macro mineral ____
a main function of sulfur is through sulfur amino acids: ___ and ___
methionine and cysteine
There are ~11 trace minerals (microminerals) and they’re not necessarily required in the diet
general functions of microminerals (3)
- catalyst for enzymatic rxns
- components of organic compounds
why do organic trace minerals have greater bioavailability?
b/c they’re not bound up by phytate
essential trace minerals have relatively ___ ____ across species (present in the tissue of all healthy animals)
constant concentrations
Copper is a ___mineral that functions in the metabolism of ___ (via ______)
- iron metabolism via cuproenzymes
Give 2 interactions (including Cu, S, and Mo)
- Cu sulfides insoluble, not absorbed –> sulfide oxidase inhibited by Mo.
- High Mo reacts w/ S, form thiomolybdates –> insoluble complexes with copper
Most iodine is found in ____
thyroid hormones: list 2
- what do these hormones do?
- Thyroxine (T4)
- triiodothyronine (T3)
- energy metabolism
- physical and mental development
Goiters and Cretinism are results of ___ deficiency
define goiter
an enlargement of the thyroid gland caused by an iodine deficiency
define cretinism
untreated congenital iodine deficiency- stunted mental and physical growth
- common in people/ animals in certain areas of the world