Chapter 6 Flashcards
Fitness Assessments
pulse point with two fingers on right side of arm above thumb (count pulse for 60 sec)
pulse ponit with two fingers on side of neck by larynx
RHR- resting heart rate
typical for an adult is 70-80
pressure after heart contracts- top umber in BP reading, usually less than 120
pressure when heart is relaxing/filling back up- bottom number in BP reading ,usually less than 80
Max heart rate
use this with resting heart rate to find THR, target heart rate. Do 220-age of client
heart medication that reduces BP
body composition
relative percentage of body weight that is fat vs fat-free tissue (10-20% for men and 20-30% for women)
4 points of skinfold measurements
bicep, tricep, subscapular, iliac crest
waist-to-hip ratio
correlation between chronic diseases and fat stored in midsection
YMCA 3 minute step test
cardiorespirtaory assessment (climbing stairs at set pace of 96 steps a minute, take pulse immediately after)
Rockport walk test
record weight, walk 1 mile as fast as they can, take HR
Pronation distortion syndrome
flat feed and knocked knees
Lower crossed syndrome
anterior tilt of pelvis (lower back arched)
Upper crossed syndrome
forward tilt of head and rounded shoulders