Chapter 5: Social Attribution - Explaining Behavior Flashcards
DEF What is attribution theory?
a set of concepts explaining how people assign causes to the events around them and the effects of these kinds of causal assessments
DEF What is causal attribution?
the construal process people use to explain both their own and other’s behavior
- linking an event to a cause
- inferring a personality trait is responsible for a behavior
DEF What is explanatory style?
a person’s habitual way of explaining events, assessed along three dimensions
- internal/external
- stable/unstable
- global/specific
What is internal/external (explanatory style)?
do you attribute yourself or some external cause?
What is stable/unstable (explanatory style)?
with this effect remain the same or could it change?
What is global/specific (explanatory style)?
does this effect many areas of life or something specific?
DEF What is a pessimistic explanatory style?
internal, stable, global
i make everything suck all the time
- also a predictor of poor heath in the long term
DEF What is optomistic explanatory style?
external, unstable, specific
something else this one time affected this one thing
- also a predictor of positive health in the long term
What is the correlation between gender and attribution style?
boys attribute failure to lack of EFFORT
girls attribute failure to lack of ABILITY
boys criticized for non-intellectual factors
girls criticized for intellectual failures
boys associate praise with intellect
girls learn that praise is NOT associated with intellect
What is behavior a function of ?
behavior is a function of the PERSON and the SITUTATION
- important to consider both when creating an attribution theory
- important to isolate which cause is more significant for a given situtation
DEF What is the covariation principle?
behavior should be attributed to potential causes that occur along with observed behavior
- concluding that an atrribution is situation or asituational (more related to the individual)
What are the three components of covariation principle?
- consensus
- distinctiveness
- consistency
DEF What is consensus?
- component of the covariation principle
- what most people would do in a situtation
- more about the situtation, not the individual
DEF What is distinctiveness?
- component of the covariation principle
- Is this behavior distinct from what the individual would normally do?
- more about the individual
DEF What is consistency?
- component of the covariation principle
- what an individual would do in a given situation on a different occasion
- are they consistent within their own actions