Chapter 5: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Flashcards
Stress is influenced via??
- how we judge the event and our capacity to react effectively
- ppl who sense that they have the ability and resources to cope are more likely to take stressors in strides
Stress??? components?
- stressor: event that creates demands on us
- stress response: a persons reaction to the demands
Fear =??? (3)
package of emotional, physical and cognitive responses
Stress plays a major role in ?
Acute Stress Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?
-a distinct patter of symptoms that arises in reaction to a psychological traumatic event; defined as an event outside the range of usual human experience
ex of traumatic events?
-natural disasters, accidental disasters, deliberate disasters
Two versions of symptom durations?
1-3 months = acute
x>3 months= chronic
__% are diagnosed with PTSD in canada
Delayed onset symptom duration?
x>=6 months
Symptoms of PTSD?4
- re-exp trauma ( intense vivid flashbacks which can be triggered by smells, touch etc dreams, nightmares)
- Avoidance of trauma associated stimuli
- psychic numbing - reduced responses, withdrawal/detachment
- Increased arousal : hypervigilance, sleep disturbance, exaggerated startle response, irritable, emotional volatile
Acute Stress Disorder?
- within 4 weeks of trauma
- common symptoms seen in PTSD particularly the dissociative symptoms
ASD symptoms?3
- detachment, numbing, daze
- clinicians use transitional assessments
Found where on DSM5?
- Trauma : Stress Related Disorders
Reactive Attachment Disorder?
trauma of not being cared for
Treating Trauma?
- preventative approach
- treating it at the time of occurrence may alleviate ASD and potential PTSD that may surface moths / years later
Critical Incident Stress Debriefing ?
- help ppl deal with trauma related to nat disasters accidents etc
- within 48 hours =best
- individuals involved directly with traumatic event
- multidisciplinary teams provide debriefing and counsiling
Protective factors??2
- Personality: coping strategies, positive outlook
2. Social Support systems: strong network of family and friends
Operational Stress Injuries ?
law enforcement, first responders
PTSD, Anxiety, Substance Use Disorders and Depression