Chapter 2: An Integrative Approach to Psychology (lecture) Flashcards
A set of assumptions and concepts that help us explain and interpret perspectives
What are the four main theoretical perspectives?
Biological Model (Bio-medical)
main focus is that psychological abnormality is an illness brought on by the malfunctioning of parts of the organism. (brain)
Bio explanation of abnormality?
Brain anatomy, Brain chemistry, Evolution and viral infections.
Brain Anatomy explanation?
problems in specific parts of the brain linked to psychological disorders.
ex: basal ganglia and huntington disease.
Brain Chemistry explanation?
abnormal activity with certain NT lead to specific disorders.
ex: depression: serotonin and norepinephrine
anxiety: GABA
abnormal activity in the endocrine system as well.
cortisol has been linked to anxiety and mood disorders.
Genetic explanation?
put you into a range for a risk towards certain disorders and than environmental stressors place you somewhere on that range.
ex: mood disorders, schizophrenia, mental retardation, alzheimers etc.
mutations inherited by ancestors in the family line.
understanding the evolution of abnormal behaviour.
Viral infection?
**in fetus.
provides abnormal brain structure or biochemical dysfunction.
ex: schizophrenia and prenatal viruses.
Bio Treatments?
- Drug therapy- restores biochemical balance. *most common
- electro convulsion therapy (ECT) - mood disorders
- Psychosurgery- last resort
Strengths of Bio Persp? 3
- considerable respect in field
- creates new therapies
- suggests new avenues of research
Weaknesses of Bio persp?4
can limit rather than enhance our understanding
too simplistic
evidence is incomplete or inconclusive
treatments produce significant amount of undesirable side effect.s
The Psychodynamic Model?
a persons behaviour is determined largely by underlying dynamic psychological forces which they are not aware of.
Psychodynamic Model’s take on cause of abnormality?
symptoms arise from the result of conflict among unseen forces.
Father of Psychodynamic approach?
Healthy person in relation to the id, ego and superego?
they have a compromise between the three forces.
Developmental Ego
each stage requires readjustment in the id, ego and superego.
successful=personal growth
unsuccessful= fixation @ early stage leading to abnormality.
parents are often blamed since they are key figures in early life.
Ego Theorists?(psychodynamic)
consider the role of the ego independent.
Self Theorist (psychodynamic) integrated ego?
emphasize the unified personality over any one component.
integrated ego- you know who you are. accepting, clear identity.
Object-relations theorists (psychodynamic)
emphasize the human need for interpersonal relationships.
Psychodynamic Therapies?
Talking cures?
- need to be verbal and committed for the long haul.
they seek to uncover past trauma and inner conflicts
understanding early life exp is critical
they believe the client needs to come to terms with conflicts from early life.
Therapist = subtle guide!
Strengths of Psychodynamic
- first attempt to point out a persons psychological make-up
- internal conflict was seen as important
- development of important psych treatments and theories
- first to apply theories and tech systematically to treatment.
Weakness of Psychodynamic -5
patient has to be somewhat stable to do this cannot measure it non-observable inaccessible to humans (unconscious) hard to research/unsupported research
Behaviour Model?
based on the idea that our actions are determined largely via life experiences.
Observable behaviour and environmental factors
only interested in the visible!
operant Conditioning (behavioural)
we are more likely to continue behaviour that is rewarded or reinforced.
Modelling (behavioural)
learning via observation and repeating obsv behaviour.
no direct award.
strong impact of our perception of the world
Classical conditioning (behavioural ) think pavlo...woooof
learning via temporal associating
when two events repeatedly occur close together in time they become fused in a persons minds.
Behavioural Therapies
identify the behaviours that are causing the problem and replacing them with productive behaviours.
present focused.
Classical Conditioning Treatment - Systematic Desensitization
ex: phobias
step by step, teaches relaxation techniques
develop a fear hierarchy.
confront situation
Flooding (behavioural)
instant exposure - no steps.
**after the initial spike in anxiety it goes down. they live through the experience and learn hey I’m still alive maybe its not so bad!
Strengths of Behavioural Model
powerful force in the field, empiricism
phenomena can be OBSERVED and MEASURED
significant research supports therapies.
Weakness of Behavioural Model
too simplistic
downplay role of cognition
new focus on self-efficacy and cog-behavioural.
The Cognitive Model? 5 characteristics
account for behaviour by studying the ways in which a person: attends to interprets and uses available info concerned with internal processes present focused!
Clinicians (cog) ask q’s about?
thoughts and attitudes!
Cognitive explanation of abnormality! 5
maladaptive thinking leads to maladaptive behaviour.
faulty thinking
faulty assumptions and attitudes (content)
illogical thinking processes
problems in cognitive processes (manner of thinking)
Cognitive Therapies?
taught a new way of thinking to prevent maladaptive behaviour.
Beck’s Cognitive Therapy
help clients recognize and reconstruct their thinking.
show them they have other qualities that are good and that they should focus on the positive. (depression**)
Bandura’s Model- Social Cognitive Model
helps us understand how social forces influence individuals.
Self-efficacy? (cog)
view on self worth.
Strengths of Cognitive-6
broad appeal, research supports it
clinically useful and effective in some circumstances.
focuses on a uniquely human process
correlation between symptoms and maladaptive cognition
therapies effective in treatment
research based!!
Weaknesses of Cognition-
doesn’t deal with feelings
they believe emotions are a product of faulty thinking.
narrow focus
overemphasis on the present
limited effectiveness (only some react well to this)
verification of cog is difficult.
what causes what?
Eclectic ?
a person utilizes the other perspectives together instead o just one.
BioPsychoSocial Model?
integrative approach to psychology.
Abnormality is a result from:
Genetic, biological, developmental, emotional, behavioural, cognitive, social and societal influences
Diathesis-Stress Approach
predisposition (bio,psych, or social) - diathesis
predispositions are triggered via environmental stressor.