Chapter 5: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Flashcards
Obsessions cause?
symptoms may cause about a diagnosis if they: 4
- excessive or unreasonable
- great distress
- consume considerable time
- interfere with daily functioning
compulsions do what?
preventing or reducing anxiety
% of pop in NA that has OCD in a given year…
anxiety will rise if ___ and ___ are avoided
- 2%
- obsessions and compulsions
- 1:1 ratio
OCD features ????
obsessions and compulsions
- thoughts that feel intrusive and foreign, attempts to ignore or avoid them triggers anxiety persistent thoughts…invade consciousness …
-wishes, impulses, images, ideas, doubts
(all create anxiety )
Common themes of Obsessions?5
- dirt/contamination
- violence and aggression
- orderliness
- religion
- sexuality
- voluntary behaviours or mental acts , feel mandatory or unstoppable
- person may recognize that behaviours are irrational..
- catastrophic things will occur if they do not perform them
- performing reduces anxiety…dev into rituals
Common forms/themes for Compulsions 5
- cleaning
- checking
- order or balance
- touching, verbal or counting
Compulsions often act as a response to?
Compulsions seem to represent a ___ to obsessions. Compulsions also sometimes serve to help ___ obsessions.
- yielding
- control
Many ppl with OCD are afraid that they will?
act on their obsessions
Behavioural Perspective OCD
-Exposure and response Prevention (ERP)
- repeatedly exposed to anxiety provoking stimuli and prevented from responding with compulsions
- therapists often model the behaviour while the client watches
- homework is an important component
- provides significant long lasting improvements
- group or individual settings
Cognitive Perspective : OCD
Neutralizing thoughts/actions (cog look on how ocd works)
- those with ocd blame themselves for normal (repetitive and intrusive) thoughts and expect that terrible things will happen as a result of the thoughts
- seeking reassurance, thinking good thoughts, washing, checking …when the neutralizing action reduces anxiety it is reinforced.
Cog continued : OCD
ppl with OCD are: ?5
- more depressed than others
- higher standards of morality and conduct
- believe that thoughts = actions….capable of bringing harm
- believe they can and should have PERFECT CONTROL over their thoughts…
- very perfectionistic in their thoughts and expectations
Biological Perspective : OCD
areas where serotonin is
-role of serotonin
- Serotonin (excitatory; NT connected to Depression) frontal lobes, caudate nuclei
- evidence that serotonin-based antidepressants lower OCD.
Brain abnormalities?
- orbital region of frontal cortex and caudate nuclei
- brain circuit that converts sensory info into thought and action
- either way may be too active, letting thru troublesome thoughts and actions
Low serotonin lvls may interfere with the proper functioning of?
- orbital region and caudate nuclei
Bio therapies?
Serotonin based antidepressants 3
Serotonin based anti depressants ?
Anafranil, prozac , luvox and zoloft
-if medication is stopped
Research suggests that what kind of therapy might be the most effective?
- combination of medication and cognitive behavioural approaches
- OCD can go away on its on but RARE