Chapter 4: Reseach Methods Flashcards
External Validity?
how well your findings describe similar individuals …
Internal Validity?
independent variable is causing the dependent to change
Confound Variable
any factor occurring in a study that makes the results uninterpretable because a variable thats not being manipulated is having a high affect on the DV…
process of assigning ppl to diff research groups in such a way that each person has equal chance of being in any group
Statistical Significance?
calc about diff between groups
Clinical Significance
whether or not the difference was meaningful for those affected
Effect size?
how large the differences are
Social Validity? (wolf)
obtaining input from the person being treated as well as from sig others about the changes that have occurred.
Patient Uniformity Myth (kiesler)
tendency to see all participants as one homogeneous group
Case Study ?
investigating intensively one or more individuals who display the same behavioural and physical patterns.
statistical relationship between two variables…..they are related.
Positive Correlation?
great strength or quantity in one variable is associated with great strength or quantity in the other variable.
Correlation Coefficient?
the higher the number the higher the correlation/relationship..positive or negative…
+= positive relationship
Negative correlation?
as one increases the other decreases..
do not deduce cause and effect in correlations
Clinical Trial?
an experiment used to determine the effectiveness and safety of a treatment or treatments.
incidence distribution and consequences of a particular problem or set..
new cases of a disorder in a given frame
number of people at any one time…
Frustro Effect
people in control group disappointed they are not recieving treatment..
Placebo Effect?
change in behaviour as a result of expectations…
Placebo Control Groups
inactive medication..
researcher and participants a like do not know if they are in control or experimental groups.
Comparative Treatment Research?
different treatments to two or more comparable groups…with a certain disorder…and assess which did best
Process Research?
focuses on the mech responsible for behaviour change..
Outcome Research?
positive and negative or both results of a treatment …..does it work?
Treatment Process?
finding out how or why your treatment works
Treatment Outcome
finding out what changes occur after treatment.
Single Case Experimental Design
study of a person under various conditions…low confounding variables unlike case studies..
Repeated Measurements?
behaviour is measured several times instead of only once before you change the IV and once after
Comp. Of Repeated Measurements(3)
- level or degree of beh change with different interventions
- variability of change over time
- rend or direction of change
Withdrawal Design?
whether the independent variable is responsible for changes in behaviour..
Drug Holiday?
periods medication is withdrawn so that clinicians can determine whether it is responsible for treatment effects..
Multiple Baselines
instead of stopping the intervention to see whether it is effective…..start treatment at different times across settings…behaviours…or people…
Functional Communication training
communicate instead of misbehave
genetic mech that contribute to the underlying problems causing symptoms and diff exp by people with psychological disorders…
Genetic research
basic genetic epidemiology, adv gm, gene finding and molecular genetics..
Family studies
examine beh pattern or emotional trait in the context of the family..
individual singled out for the trait to be studied..
Adoption Studies
identify adoptees who have a spec beh pattern and see if first degree relatives have it as well even though raised in different settings
Twin Studies
do they have the same trait…
Genetic Linkage analysis
other inherited characteristics are assessed at the same time during family disorder studies..
Genetic Markers
other characteristics…selected because we know their exact location
Association Studies
use genetic markers…linkage studies compare markers in a large group with those with the disorder…association studies compare people to people without the disorder…
Prospective Studies(behaviour)
record changes over time as they occur…….
Retrospective Studies
ask people to remember what happened in the past
Health Promotions
involve efforts to blanket entire populations of ppl even those who may not be at risk to prevent later problems…and promote protective behaviour (prevention research)
Universal Prevention Strat (behavioural)
entire pops and target specific risk factors without focusing on individuals…
Selective Prevention(beh)
specifically targets whole groups at risk….and designs interventions aimed to help them avoid probs
Indicated prevention? (beh)
individuals who are =beginning to show sings of problems but not yet have a disorder..
Cross sectional Design?
cross section of a population across the diff age groups and compare them on some characteristic
client in each age group of cross sectional design.
Cohort effect
confounding of age and exp is a limitation of cross sect design.
Longitudinal Design
follow one group over time and assess change in its members directly.
Exp with boys and aggression… 3. long design
Chronic Physical Aggression: persistent aggression over 9 years
High but declining: high in K but gradually is going down
Moderate but declining moderate in K but gradually going down
Cross generational effect
trying to generalize findings to groups whose exp are very diff from those of the study participants
Sequential Design
repeated study of diff cohorts over time