Chapter 15: Cognitive Disorders Flashcards
- impaired consciousness and cognition during the course of several hours or days
- confused, disorientated, out of touch with surroundings
- normally present in last hours of life
- 65 +
what is a cog disorder?
-impairment in memory, attention, perception and thinking
Treatment? 2
haloperidol - alcohol withdrawal delirium and acute
and also for unknown caused delirium
-psychosocial reassurance
- gradual deterioration of brain functioning affecting, judgement, memory, language, and other cognitive processes.
- via subst abuse and other med issues ..infection, depression etc
What can cause dementia? 7
-spyhilis, HIV, head injury, toxic/poisons , Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s disease
Agnosia ?
-cant rec and name objects
Facial Agnosia?
- cant rec familiar faces
Types of dementia??6
Alzheimer’s dementia, vascular dementia, general medical condition, substance induced, multiple aetiologies and dementia not otherwise specified..unknown origin
Alzheimers dementia?
- gradual and steady
- memory, orientation, judgment, and reasoning, cannot integrate new info
- non routine interests, socially isolated, agitated, confused, depressed, anxious
difficulty with language
- impaired motor functioning
- failure to rec objects
- problems with naming objects
Mini mental state examination?
assess language and memory problems
Clock Drawing subtest of the Clock test?
- given a circle and instructed to turn it into a clock with the hands orientated to 11:10
- scored via error
- Alzheimer’s: more errors of omission and misplacement of numbers
Idea density?
- simple writing (low density)- Alzheimer’s
- complex writing (high density)
Presenile dementia?
- 40s and 50s
Vascular Dementia ?
- progressive brain disorder
- blood vessels are blocked or damaged in brain and no longer carry oxygen and nutrients to areas in the brain causing damage.
- abnormalities in walking, weakness in limbs, sudden
HIV-1 disease dementia
- subcortical dementia
- cognitive slowness, impaired attention and forgetfulness , clumsy, repetitive movements, no aphasia in SD, more likely to exp severe depression and anxiety, coordination
Head trauma dementia
- memory loss, cognitive impairment
Parkinson’s Disease dementia ?
type of dementia?
- degenerative brain disorder
- motor problems, stooped posture, tremors, jerkiness in walking, soft monotone voice, damge in DA pathways
- sub cortical dementia
Huntington’s disease and dementia ?
- genetic disorder (50/50 chance)
- affects motor movement, chorea - involuntary limb movement
- can live 20 years after first signs
- subcortical pattern
Picks disease?
- rare neurological disorder
- 5 to 10 year course
- 40s and 50s so presenile dementia
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease?
-linked to bovine spongiform encephalopathy..mad cow
Glial cell derived neurotrophic factor?
-restores neurons
Cholinesterase inhibitors?
prevent breakdown of the NT acetylcholine….(low in Alzheimer’s disease)
Vitamin E?
- slows down progression of dementia
Memory wallet?
-help those living with dementia adapt and cope…
Cognitive stimulation?
- practice learning and memory skills
- to maintain cog ability
-control bp and live an active life
Amnestic disorder?
- inability to transfer info into long term memory which can cover hours, minutes or years.
- cannot recall old info
- head trauma, or long term drug effects can cause this
Werknicke-korsakoff syndrome ?
- damage to thalamus via drinking chronically…
station for info relay…