Chapter 5 (EXAM 2) Flashcards
What is catabolism
The breakdown of molecules energetic/energy releasing
When molecules are broken down, their bonds are broken and energy is released to make ATP
What is coupling
Where 1 reaction is linked to another.
The breakdown of ATP is coupled back to back w/ anabolism
What is anabolism
The use of energy to synthesize macromolecules that make up a cell
Reactant to product
What are enzymes
Chemicals in the body that cause anabolic reactions to occur, the bodies natural catalyst.
Lower Anabolic energy to perform reactions
What is the coenzyme
The part that fits to the apoenzyme to create an active site
What is the active site
The part where they connect
What does it mean to be substrate specific
To orient the substrate so the likelihood of a reaction occurs
Will only work in certain environments if the environment changes it influences the activity of the enzyme
What are the influencing factors of an enzyme
Temperature, pH, substrate specific, competitive inhibitors, noncompetitive inhibitors and feedback inhibition
Describe how temperature is an influencing factor
If the temperature of the body goes up or down it will decrease the enzyme activity since enzymes are temperature specific
Descrive pH
If the pH goes up, the fungus may have a decrease enzyme activity OR If the pH does down it will become more acidic
Describe how substrate concentration is an influencing facotr
If the substrate concentration changes and the body produces the same number of enzymes, the enzyme activity will increase until saturation is reached
Describe how competitive inhibitors are an influencing factor
When substrate strong fit like puzzle pieces to the enzyme because the inhibitors attach to the active site
Describe how noncompetitive inhibitors are an influencing factor
Molecules that combine with the allosteric site that causes stress to the enzyme bond changing the shape of the active site, not allowing the substrate fits
Describe how feedback inhibition is an influencing factor
When bacteria and other organisms conserve their energy for feeding or reproduction. The end product is utilized for cells and some is used to shut down the whole passage
Organism will make what it needs and then it will stop working
When does energy transfer occur
During redox reaction
What is oxidation/reduction
Always coupled
Where 1 atom loses an electron, there’s another atom around to fain or take that electron
What are the 3 ways of ATP generation
Substrate level phosphorylation
oxidative phosphorylation
Describe substrate level phosphorylation
When a phosphate os chopped off and put onto ADP in order to generate ATP
Describe oxidative phosphorylation
Involves the production of ATP from ADP through ETC.. The molecules are responsible for carrying electrons and protons
EUK: along inner mitochondria membrane, the Cristi
PRO: inside the plasma membrane
Accounts for 89-90% of the ATP generated by an organism
Describe photophosphorylation
Involves the absorption of the suns energy via pigments like chlorophyll. Occurs in plants, algae and some photosynthetic bacteria
Involves redox reaction and ETC
What is respiration
The production of ATP from glucose.
In Pro: 38 generated
In Euk: 36 generated
Divided into 3, Glycolosys, Krebs and ETC
10% of ATP is created in glycolysis and krebs
90% from ETC
Describe glycolysis
Involves glucose, Anaerobic process, no oxygen needed
Occurs in the cytosol of Pro and Euk
Have to put in 2 ATP in order for the cycle to start
1.Glucose is sliced in half
2. Those 2 ATP become 4 ATP
3.Through reduction reaction, 2 NADPH result
4. Pyruvic acid is produced from sliced glucoses
Describe Fermentation
The converting of carbs into acids, alcohols and gasses, O2 is not required. In the absence of O2, organisms that can’t fermented go through anaerobic and use pyruvic acid to produce acids, alcohols and gasses
Strictly fermented bacteria produce their energy via glycolysis
Describe Transition Reaction
Where pyruvic acid has to go through conversion to become Acetyl CoA in order for Krebs to occur
Describe Krebs Cycle
In pro occurs in water, cytosol In euk occurs in mitochondrial matrix The major reactants are: 1 glucose that becomes 2 carbons 2 FADH 2 FADH2 3 NAD that become 6 NADH 1 ATP that becomes 2 ATP for every time the cycle turns 6 CO2
Describe ETC
In pro occur along the inner cell membrane
In euk occur along the Cristi in mitochondria
NADH and FADH2 create ATP at the end
As 1 molecule steals electrons and oxidizes the NADH, NAD becomes reduced
Hydrogen protons move from high concentration through tunnel and catalyze the phosphorylation of ADP to become ATP
The final electron acceptor is oxygen, which accepts the electrons as hydrogen to become water
What are lipids
Can be used to generate ATP
broken down by lipase into fatty acids and glycerol
Needed in the body of microorganisms bc they’re a source of energy and make up a source of cell membranes
What are fatty acids
Long carbon chain that though beta oxidation enters directly into the Krebs cycle by generating a 2 carbon compound, Acetyl coA
What are carbohydrates
Primary source for chemical energy production/ ATP production
What are proteins
Needed to repair and replace cell structures
Can be toxins, enzymes and pigments
When canalized there broken down into amino acids
Integration pathways
Can go in or out of cell respiration pathway
Amino acids can are in the diet of the organism, the organism can use the amino acids in the production of ATP by changing them to oxaloacetic acid
If the body needs to make amino acid the Krebs cycle can be stopped to convert oxaloacetic acid to amino acids
* E.coli can make amino acids from glucose*
What are the alternatives to glycolysis
Pentose Phosphate Pathway and Entour Doudoroff Pathway
Describe the Pentose Phosphate Pathway
Instead of breaking down 6 glucose like the Krebs cycle, this pathway breaks down 5 carbon sugars, known as pentose.
Products are 1 ATP, 1 NADP and 2 NADPH(converts to ATP)
Bacteria that have this can operate at the same time as glycolysis
Describe the Entour Doudoroff Pathways
Does not operate at the same time as glycolysis
Pseudo nomads are the bacteria that utilize this pathway
Produces 1 ATP, 1 NADH=3 ATP, 2 NADPH
What is photosynthesis
The conversion of light energy from the sun unto chemical energy
Involves 2 sub-reactions: Light reaction and dark reaction
Dark reaction is split into noncyclic and cynic
Describe noncyclic electron flow
Subdivide of Dark reaction
2 groups of pigments
When photons hit chlorophyll;; electrons are excited and debunked out their orbitals and get passed down ETC and ATP produced move into and get absorbed by photosystem 1
Describe cyclic electron flow
Where electrons are utilized in the ETC in the production of ATP
Electrons eventually cycle back to the chlorophyll
Describe Dark reaction
Short term energy molecules, ATP and NADPH, will turn into glucose that can be used to store energy
Chemical carbon source
Most things in the world, animals, fungi, bacteria
Chemical is their carbon source
Hydrogen, nitrogen and iron are the energy sources
Sunlight is the energy source
sunlight is the energy source
Co2 is the carbon source, is carbon fixating that takes co2 gas out of environment and incorporates it in carbon based molecules, some are oxygenic and sone anoxgenic
What happens when CU+1 becomes oxidized
becomes C2+
When bacteria metabolizes lipids, pH will
go down
What happens to reaction rates when temp goes above optimum and below
the rate of reaction reduces, bc its temp specific!!
What part of the enzyme does an allosteric inhibitor bind to
Allosteric site
What part of the enzyme does a competitive inhibitor bind to
Active site
What kind of relationship do enzyme and substrate form
enzyme substrate complex, lock and key
What reactant is required in aerobic reactions
glucose and oxygen
Is oxygen needed for respiration to occur
What reaction produces pyruvic acid as a reactant
glycolysis, is anaerobic
Enzyme activity when complexes are saturated
goes up then straight ahead
has to show some activity happened at one point
Most enzymes have what suffix
ase or zyme