Chapter 3: Consciousness Flashcards
Being aware of your surroundings and yourself
Study of behavior and how it reflects psychology
Study of the brain and how it functions biologically
Process by which one sees suggestion to convince others that a behavior, feeling, or thought will occur
Mental processes that are what makes/creates more intelligence through external senses and stimulation
Levels of Consciousness
Similar to the iceberg model, shows how we react to stimuli or not- consciousness, preconscious, unconscious, nonconscious
Part of consciousness that processes stimuli without us knowing and also containing our internal desires and/or ideas that we don’t know about
Altered States of Consciousness
States of being where we don’t fit the definition of consciousness, such as sleep, hypnosis, and drug using
Biological Clock
Our internal clock that controls our internal state (energies, hormones, etc.) AKA Circadian Rythms
Annual Cycles
Occurrences/cycles that repeat each year
Seasonal Effective Disorder
Depression/mood shifts in winter, mainly due to diet and lack of vitamin D
28 Day Cycle
A series of events that repeats after 28 days AKA the menstrual cycle
Menstrual Cycle
28 day cycle where a woman’s uterine lining and egg is released
Hormones that are released as a result of the ovaries releasing an egg
24 hour cycle
Circadian Rhythms, or events that repeat every 24 hours
90 Minute Cycle
Occurs during sleep (sleep pattern), length of REM
Stages of Sleep
NREM 1-3(4) and REM w/ different functions of each stage
Circadian Rhythms
Our internal clock that regulates our peaks and lows over a 25 hour cycle
Jet Lag
Sleepiness and discomfort as a result of being shifted into a different time zone while not having an adjusted circadian rhythm
Pineal Gland
Stimulated by suprachiasmatic nucleus to produce melatonin
Hormone that is released to induce sleep
Chemical Messenger
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
Part of the hypothalamus that controls sleep/pineal gland
Sunday Night Insomnia
When people can’t go to sleep on time on Sunday due to having stayed up late nearly all weekend
Monday Morning Blues
Feeling poor Monday Morning due to lack of proper sleep
Rapid Eye Movement, paradoxical sleep, body twitches some but mainly relaxed as the mind has dreams- once every sleep cycle, body still active
EEG Scans
Scans of electric activity in the brain during sleep to see what and how much of the brain is active during sleep and its different parts
Alpha Waves
Slow and relaxed brain waves while one is awake
Necessary process/loss of consciousness from which we can come back (Not a coma)
PET Scan
Scan of the brain to see what parts of it are active during sleep stages
Sleep Spindles
Short bursts of brain activity during NREM 2
Morning Erection
When a man awakens and has an erection due to having an arousing REM dream
Erectile Disorder
Issues with maintaining/getting an erection despite getting a “morning erection”
Sleep Debt
Losing sleep over the course of multiple nights and having to make up for it all one night later
Randy Gardner
Holds the world record for staying awake the longest without stimulants
Drug to treat irregular heartbeat
Pituitary Gland
Gland that controls all other glands (including the pineal gland)
Sleep Disorders
Disorders that interfere with sleep acquired by a person
Inability to fall/stay asleep
Falling asleep suddenly (into REM) as a result of strong emotions or situations
Sleep Apnea
When someone stops breathing during sleep, wakes up as a result, and then falls asleep
Neurotransmitter involved in alertness
Night Terrors
Not remembering acting terrified/aroused during NREM 3 and experiencing something similar to a nightmare (2-3 hours post sleep)
Images, emotions, and thoughts that occur during sleep, causing hallucination images that are sometimes improbable and delusion in one’s acceptance, and they are hard to remember- during REM
A terrifying dream during REM making it differ from a night-terror
Sigmund Freud
Believed dreams are our suppressed desires
Manifest Content
What happens (the plot) of the dream
Latent Conent
The drives/unfulfilled wishes present in the dream through symbolic elements
The Interpretation of Dreams
Book by Freud stating how he believed dreams were all of our unconscious desires
Information Processing Theory
Idea that the purpose of dreams is to help us store our memories
Activation-Synthesis Theory
Our brain produces static, thus causing us to remember things which we make into stories to make sense of them
REM Rebound
After sleep with drawl, we go straight into REM sleep and for a longer amount of time
Hypnotic State
Someone in the state of being hypnotized, doing things without remembering
Posthypnotic Amnesia
Not remembering what happened during a hypnotic session
Anton Mesmer
One of the first to start hypnotic medicine under a different name- Animal magnetic and magnetic fluid
Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale
Help with why hypnotism works and how susceptible a person is to it
Hypnotic Susceptibility
How open to being hypnotized someone is, differs depending on what is being asked
Posthypnotic Suggestion
A suggestion that is carried out when a person is out of the hypnotized state, can be used to regulate behaviors or other things
How and when a person becomes detached from consciousness- physical and emotional (split in consciousness where thoughts and behaviors occur
Social Influence Theory
Idea that people under hypnosis are caught up in an act and are influenced by social authority
Divided Consciousness
Idea that hypnotized people are that way due to their subconscious being the test subject and obeying the command
Ernest Hilgard
Stanford Psychologist who looked into hypnosis as a pain controller
Hidden Observer
How aware a hypnotized person is of their emotions and feelings like pain
Psychoactive Drugs
Chemicals that change the perception or feelings of the user
Regular use of a drug causes less effects, more of drug need for some effects
Change in brain chemistry as a result of regular drug use
Stopping drug use and experiencing unlikable symptoms
Physical Dependence
Need to take a dug due to experiencing withdrawal symptoms
Psychological Dependence
Need to do drugs due to a need to relieve a negative psych problem
Drugs that slow neural activity thus reducing the functions of the body (Opiates, alcohol, barbiturates)
Drugs that increase neural activity and functions of the body (make them faster)
Drugs that cause sensational images and alter one’s viewpoint
Drugs that increase neural activity and functions of the body, increased mood and energy
Stimulates aggression and increases reactions
Another name for ecstasy
Psychodelic Drugs
Drugs that change mind, perception, and senses- manipulates brain into sensing what’s not there
Another name for acid
Acid Trip
When someones uses LSD, creates strong, sensory images- lots of emotions, like near death experiences
Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol used in marijuana for its effects
Drug as a dis-inhibitor that slows body motions and the overall mental functioning
An opiate that slows nervous system and creates a peaceful moment
In coffee, speeds up brain, thus elevating one’s mood and functioning
Stimulates CNS, speeds up functioning, energy, and mood by stopping production of dopamine
Synthetic, more intimacy, long term risk= less serotonin and poor mod/intelligence, short=health
Mild hallucinogen that relaxes the body and makes it more susceptible to stimulated imagery
Near-Death Experience
Hallucinations after being close to death, altered conscious, memories and exaggerated physical sensations