Chapter 3 Flashcards
What events made Alexander II more reactionary
- Five assasination attempts in less than 15 years from 1866
- Death of his eldest son in 1865 pushed him towards his mistress Yekatrine Dolgurokova, and away from the refoming elements within his family
Fear that reactionary ministers had under Alexander II
“Western” ideas had become too prevelant
Examples of how Alexander II replaced ministers from 1866
- Tolstoy for education
- Shuvalov as Head of Third Section
Educational reforms for Alexander II’s reactionary period under Tolstoy
- Subjects encouraging critical thinking forced out in favour of maths and Latin
- More state teacher-training colleges establihsed to increase tsarist control
How did Shuvalov change the Third Section under Alexander II’s reactionary period
- Increased search and arrests
- Sought after radicals who had fled to Switzerland and Germany
Judicial reforms under Alexander II’s reactionary period
- Show trials established after 1878 due to Vera Zasulich
- In 1878 political cases were transferred to special courts
What did Vera Zasulich do
Shot and seriously wounded the Governor of St Petersburg in 1878 but was found not-guilty due to a sympathetic jury
Importance of Count Loris-Melikov
- Abolished Third Section
- Drew up constitution with zemstva demands
Date of Alexander II assasination and where going
- 13th March 1881
- On way to discuss Loris-melikov constitution with Council of Ministers
- Blown up on the way by ‘The People’s Will’
Potential reason for Alexander III’s reactionary outlook
Tutored by Konstatin Pobendonostev who brought him up with the belief that he alone could decide what was right for the country
How did Alexander III begin his reign to show his reactionary attitude
- Public hanging of Alexander II’s assasins
- Issued the Manifesto of Unshakeable autocracy
- Abolished the Loris-Melikov consitution
Political importance of Alexander II’s assasination
Refoming ministers forced to resign (like Milyutin)
Key introduction - July 1889
Land Captain
Powers of Land Captains
- Override zemstva desisions
- Override court judgements
- From 1889, had direct jurisdiction over volost courts
Change in police system under Alexander III
- Okhrana introduced 1881 and just as opressive as Third Section
- More spies, counter-spies and agent provactaturs
- In 1882, any area of the Empire could be searched to arrest or exile any suspect of commiting or anyone related to someone who had commited a crime
What did the Okhrana often use
Educational reforms under Alexander III
- In universitites, professors were appointed by their religous, moral and patriotic orientation, rather than academic grounds
- Primary education placed back in hands of Church
Extent of education under Alexander II and Alexander III
21% literate by 1897 census
Censorship fact under Alexander III
From 1882, Tolstoy began to close newspapers and put lifetime bans on editors
Progressive reform under Alexander III at start of reign
In May 1881, cancelled the arrears of ex-serfs in 37 of the central provinces
Progressive reform under Alexander III at end of reign
Introduced the right to appeal to higher courts