Chapter 27 Flashcards
Radical dictatorship that takes control of most aspects of society and uses “total claims” over the beliefs of the citizens.
A movement of extreme nationalism, antisocialism, a violent leader, and glorification of military forces and war.
A doctrine that says certain people repopulating can improve the characteristics of national population and inspired the Nazi’s ideas on “race and space” that then created the holocaust.
five-year plan
A plan made by Stalin in 1928 that tried to modernize the Soviet Union to make a new Communist society that had all new ideas. “revolution from above”
New Economic Policy (NEP)
Lenin’s policy to rebuild agriculture and industry by limiting economic freedom in 1921.
collectivization of agriculture
The forceful unity of individual peasant farms into large enterprises controlled by the government in the Soviet Union by Stalin.
The peasants who were better off and so they were stripped of land and livestock and were not allowed to join the big farms. Many starved or were deported.
Black Shirts
Mussolini’s private military that destroyed everything including the Socialist Party headquarters causing Socialists to be pushed out of the city to Italy.
Lateran Agreement
1929 agreement that said the Vatican was an independent state. Mussolini gave them funds in return for the support from the pope.
National Socialism
Political movement driven by both extreme nationalism and racism led by Hitler. Ruled from 1933 to 1945 and forced Europe into WWII.
Enabling Act
The Nazi’s pushed the act through the Reichstag so that Hitler could get full dictatorial power for four years.
The British policy for Germany before the second World War that gave Hitler western Czechoslovakia to avoid war.
New Order
Hitler’s order based on imperialism that treated the Nordic people well (French and Latin people) and treated Jews and Slavs horrendously.
The effort to eliminate all European Jews and other groups that were “racially inferior” by the Nazi state.