Chapter 25 Flashcards
Satellite State
- independent nation under the control of amore powerful nation
- Create a buffer between the West and Soviet Union
- Ex: Poland, Hungary. Romania, Bulgaria (Under control of Soviet Union)
Cold War
- Rivalry between Soviet Union and USA
- 1945-1990
- Berlin wall comes down and Soviet Union breaks up
Iron Curtain
-term coined by Winston Churchill to describethe border between the Soviet satellite states andWestern Europe
Truman Doctrine
- President Truman’s promise to helpnations struggling against communist movements
- Given to Turkey and Greece (give money)
- Ensures they want become communist states
- Given to Turkey and Greece (give money)
George F Kennan
- Expert on Foreign policy
- Don’t defeat communism, contain it (containment)
- Provide economic aid
- Military aid
- Don’t defeat communism, contain it (containment)
- policy of keeping communism contained withinits existing borders
- Done w/ military and economic aid
- Created by George F Kennan
Marshall Plan
- foreign policy that offered economic aid toWestern European countries after World War II
- Created by George Marshall
- Done by USA (gifts)
- Countries use the money to build their countries & embrace capitalism
- Use American goods (reinvest into American economy)
Berlin Airlift
- program in which U.S. and British pilots flewsupplies to West Berlin during a Soviet blockade
- Russians cut off all access to West Berlin
- USA flies supplies in (every 5 minutes) for a year
- USA doesn’t let
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization
- militaryalliance formed to counter Soviet expansion
- Created to stop communism
Warsaw Pact
-military alliance of the Soviet Union and itssatellite states
Mao Zedong
- Communist leader who opposes Jiang
- Fights in a civil war w/ him- Supported by the Soviet Union
- At one point was in an alliance w/ Jiang
- Won the battle between him and Jiang
Jiang Jieshi
- Nationalist leader in China, USA alley
- Bring his people to Taiwan
- Supported by USA
- Lost the battle between him and Mao
38th Parallel
- North Korea invades South Korea
- Border between North and South Korea
Douglas MacArthur
- Leads the troops in Korea
- WWII Hero
- Wanted to drive invaders out of South Korea
- Led a surprise attack on the port of Inchon (North Korea did not suspect it)
- Wants to win the Korea war, but this could lead to WWIII
- Fired by Truman
Limited War
- Fought in Korea
- war fought to achieve only specific goals
- MacArthur wanted total victory
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
- Created in Asia
- defensivealliance aimed at preventing communist aggressionin Asia
Arms Race
- contest in which nations compete to build morepowerful weapons
- During Cold War
Mutually Assured Destruction
- If one group uses bombs, the other group can too
- policy in which theUnited States and the Soviet Union hoped to deternuclear war by building up enough weapons to destroyone another
John Foster Dulles
- Secretary of State for Eisenhower
- Author of Massive Retaliation
- Endorsed the President’s idea of what role USA should play in the world
Massive Retaliation
- policy of threatening to use massiveforce in response to aggression
- Downside: Have to follow through with the threat
-belief that only by going to the brink of warcould the United States protect itself against communistaggression
Nikita Khrushchev
- Dictator of Soviet Russia after Stalin
- Takes control of Soviet Russia until 1970s
- to place a resource under government control
- Example: Suez Canal Crisis w/ Egypt
Suez Crisis
- attempt by France and Great Britain to seizecontrol of the Suez Canal in 1956
- Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal
- Originally used by France & Britain
- Treated the flow of Middle Eastern oil in Europe
Eisenhower Doctrine
- policy of President Eisenhower thatstated that the United States would use force to help anynation threatened by communism
- Middle East (Oil)
- Central Intelligence Agency
- U.S. intelligence gatheringorganization
- Created to fight communism
- Given tasks by Eisenhower to protect American interests
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- government agency that coordinates U.S. effortsin space
- Created to compete with Russia
- Released the first satellite into space (Sputnik 1)
- Created to compete with Russia
Red Scare
- Paranoia of Communism spreading to the USA
- fear that communists were working to destroythe American way of life- Led the Smith Act
- House Un-American Activities Committee
- congressionalcommittee that investigated possible subversiveactivities within the United States
- Builded against communism
- Used to figure out communist spies
Hollywood Ten
- Politicians attacked people in Hollywood who were communists
- Led to many people committing suicide
- group of movie writers, directors, and producerswho refused to answer HUAC questions about communistties
- People accused of being a communist by Politicians
- list of persons who were not hired because of suspectedcommunist ties
- Ex: Film makers
Alger Hiss
- Accused of being a communist/spy
- Member of the state department
- Lied during trial and was fired
- Nixon was involved, and eventually became president
Julius & Ethel Rosenberg
- Worked in a building that did research on Nuclear Bombs
- Gave information to the Soviet Union about the bomb
- Janitors, not physicists
- Jews w/ Children
- Put on trial, sentenced to death (electric chair, treason)
Joseph R McCarthy
- Accused everyone of being communists (army)
- Wanted to be put in the public eye- Senator from Wisconsin
- Events were used to create the story the Crucible
- Anti-Communist idea
- Created by Joseph R McCarthy
- negative catchword for extreme, recklesscharges of disloyalty
Smith Act
- Made it illegal to promote the over-throw of the USA government (aimed towards communists in USA)
- People were arrested, tried, and jailed
- Created because of the red scare