Chapter 19 Flashcards
- Embraced by Germany, France, Russia
- Expensive because u are maintaining a large army
- glorification of the military
Francis Ferdinand
- Heir to Austrian-Hungarian throne (Arch-Duke)
- Killed along with his wife (starts WWI) by Serbs who wanted their freedom from Austria-Hungary
William II
- Kaiser of Germany
- Said Germany would stand by Austria-Hungary during war
Western Front
-battle front between the Allies and CentralPowers in western Europe during World War I
-soldiers killed, wounded, and missing
- supplies captured from an enemy duringwartime
- Germans justified sinking enemy ships by saying it had contraband
-German submarines that would torpedo ships
- British passenger liner sunk by a German U-boatduring World War I
- 100 americans aboard were killed
Zimmerman Note
- telegram written by German ForeignMinister Zimmermann proposing an alliance betweenGermany and Mexico against the United States duringWorld War I
- Said they would help Mexico get land back from Mexican-American war
- Intercepted by England, who gave it to USA Newspapers
- Province between Germany and France
- Controlled by Germany
Selective Service Act
- act passed by Congress in 1917authorizing a draft of men for military service
- 24 million people registered for the draft, only 5 million went
Bernard Baruch
- Wall Street broker
- Helped run food manufacturing during the war (WIB)
Committee on Public Information
- governmentagency created during World War I to encourageAmericans to support the war
- Educate Americans about the war
- Convince them that the war was a “just cause”
- Used propaganda, demonize enemy
George Creel
-Head of CPI
Conscientious Objectors
- person whose moral or religiousbeliefs forbid him or her to fight in wars
- Ex: Quakers
- Today: Physical disabilities
Espionage Act
- Goes along with Sedition Act
- act passed by Congress in 1917 enactingsevere penalties for anyone engaged in disloyal or treasonableactivities
- Restrict freedom on civil liberties (freedom of speech, freedom of press)
Great Migration
- movement of 1.5 Million African Americans in thetwentieth century from the rural South to the industrialNorth
- Move there for job opportunities, separate from Jim Crowe Laws, education for children
- Ex: Boston, New York
- Put destroyers (naval ships) outside the merchant ships to protect the goods and people on them
- Used to send supplies from USA to Europe
Vladimir Lenin
- German sent to Moscow to disrupt the Russia government
- Zar is arrested, Russia is out of the war
- Lenin became dictator of Russia
John J Pershing
- Led the American Expeditionary Force in Europe
- Commands all the american troops
Fourteen Points
- Woodrow Wilson’s plan to end WWI
- Blueprint for peace for all time
- Ex: Self-determination for all nations, free trade (get rid of tariffs), no more secret treaties, League of Nations
- China is for China, Americans own america etc.
- the right of people to choose their ownform of government
League of Nations
- A forum of nations created in by Woodrow Wilson to talk out problems
- One of the Fourteen Points
- People opposed because they didn’t want to send their citizens to foreign countries
- Deterrent for aggressive behavior: Collective Security
Henry Cabot Lodge
- Opposed to the League of Nations
- Lead the Reservationists
- Didn’t like committing American lives to Collective Security
- Didn’t like article 10 of League of Nations (Treaty of Versailles)
-Payments for war damages
- Opposed the League of Nations
- isolationist senators who opposed anytreaty ending World War I that had a League of Nationsfolded into it
- Opposed to the Fourteen Points as it was written
- Believed Fourteen Points was too vague
- Lead by Henry Cabot Lodge
- Like the Treaty of Versailles, but didn’t like Article 10 (League of Nations)
- Flu virus
- More people are killed than in all of WWI
- Leads to Medical Schools being created (John Hopkins)
- Rising prices due to the decrease in the value of money
- Experienced after WWI
Red Scare
- Fear that communists were working to destroythe American way of life
- Government starts to arrest people (Palmer Raids)
Palmer Raids
- Series of raids
- People were arrested by police who were radicals or immigrants from southern or eastern Europe
- Created by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer
Nicola Socca and Bartolomeo Venzetti
- Italian immigrants and anarchists
- charged with shooting and killing two men during a holdup at a shoe factory in a town
- Put to death in the electric chair
Warren G Harding
- Republican candidate for the 1920 election (won)
- Rejected the League of Nations
- Wanted to go back to a simpler time before Wilson was president
- Rejected the League of Nations
Creditor Nation
-country which is owed more money by othercountries than it owes other countries
Reasons USA was drawn into WWI
1.Zimmerman Note
2.Unrestricted Submarine Warfare (Lusitania)
-Americans die because Germans sink British cruise ship (100 americans)
3.Commercial ties w/ Allies
-Trade w/ England & French
4.Cultural Ties w/ England & French
-Common language w/ England
-France, England, and USA all have democratic government
France helped us get our freedom (repaying that debt)
-All of our laws are based on English common law
5.Wilson’s Idealism and Moralism
-People should live in freedom and peace
-Any other forms of government are bad (defeat everything else)
Liberty Loans
- Help people show their support to the war
- Make a profit