Chapter 18 Flashcards
Extractive Economy
- economy in a colony where the colonizingcountry removed raw materials and shipped themback home to benefit its own economy
- Ex: Hawaii: Fruit, Sugar Cane
Alfred T Mahan
- Writes a book about why people need a navy (The Influence of Sea Power Upon History)
- To protect America’s shores
- To protect American lives and property abroad
- Ex: Jefferson & the Barbary Pirates
- To protect commercial trade (sea lanes)
- Arab states were threatening oil tankers
- To project American power abroad
Social Darwinism
- Survival of the fittest
- Cultures that are attacked by American Culture get swallowed up
- Certain nations and races were superior to others and therefore destined to rule over the inferior
Frederick Jackson Turner
- Historian (Significance of the frontier in American History)
- Urged oversea expansion so we can avoid internal conflict
- The frontier had supplied an arena where people could achieve a fresh start
Matthew Perry
- Leads a commercial ship to Japan to start trade
- Sails to capital of Japan and says he will shoot unless they agree to trade
- Creates the Treaty of Kanagawa
Queen Liliuokalani
- Queen of Hawaii
- Her brother died and she became queen
- Resented the increasing power of white planters, who owned most of the Hawaiian land
José Martí
- Cuban
- Leader in the Cuban Freedom Movement
William Randolph Hearst
- Heightened the public’s dislike for the Spanish using his newspaper
- Exaggerated Spanish atrocities- Wrote the New York Journal
Yellow Press
- Newspapers that used sensational headlinesand exaggerated stories in order to promote readership
- Ex: Joseph Pulitzer’s New York World, William Randolph Heart’s New York Journal
- Aggressive nationalism
- America promoted war with Spain, which inflamed their relations with them
- Exs of Jingoes: Theodore Roosevelt, HC Lodge
George Dewey
- Commander of the American Pacific Fleet
- Leads fleet to Manila Bay in the Philippines
- Attacks Spanish fleet and wins
- Hero
Emilio Aguínaldo
- Filipino
- Wanted independence and freedom for the Philippines (fought usa for it)
- Led an insurrection against US rule
- Captured in 1901
Rough Riders
- Created by Theodore Roosevelt
- Group of men, consisting of rugged westernersand upper-class easterners who fought during theSpanish-American War
- Go to Cuba from Tampa
Treaty of Paris
- Ended the Spanish-American war
- America gained Guam, Puerto Rico, and Cuba
- Sold the Philippines to America for 20 Million
Teller Amendment
- Created when the USA declared war on Spain
- USA has no intention of annexing Cuba
- Prevented USA from taking control of Cuba when the war ended
Causes of the Spanish-American War
- Spanish presence in Cuba is a violation of the Monroe Doctrine
- Empathy and Sympathy for the Cuban people (want freedom)
- Teller Amendment—> Platt Amendment (limits on Cuban independence)
- American Business interests in Cuba (Fruit, sugar, tobacco)
- “Yellow Press”
- William Randolph Heart and Joseph Pulitzer
- Promoted war with Spain (wanted to earn more money for their newspapers)
- William Randolph Heart and Joseph Pulitzer
- “Jingoes”- Americans avidly in support of war (Theodore Roosevelt, HC Lodge)
- Destruction of the USS Maine
- Anchored in Havana Harbor
- Blows up and kills over 200 Americans
- Blames Spain
- America declares war
- Rebellion
- Ex: Emilio Aguinaldo led an insurrection against the US
Guerrilla Warfare
- Nontraditional combat methods
- Small bands of fighters to attack behind enemy lines
William Howard Taft
- Became governor of the Philippines (Filipinos have no rights)
- Builds naval base
- Wanted to help the Philippines rebuilt after war: built schools, roads, and bridges
- Jones Act: Creates Filipino freedom
Sphere of Influence
-A region dominated and controlled byan outside power
John Hay
- USA Secretary of State
- Said US expected “perfect equality of treatment for commerce” in China
- Created the Open Door Policy (US only wanted free trade in China, not colonies)
Boxer Rebellion
- Violence started by members of a secretsociety in China
- Prompted the governments ofEurope and America to send troops to squash the rebellion
Open Door Policy
- American statement that the governmentdid not want colonies in China, but favored freetrade there
- Reasserted by John Hay after Boxer Rebellion
Russo-Japanese War
- Started with sneak attack
- A war between Japan and Russia in1904 over the presence of Russian troops in Manchuria
- Theodore Roosevelt wins Nobel Peace prize by negotiating the end of the war in Portsmouth NH
Gentlemen’s Agreement
- Pact between the UnitedStates and Japan to end segregation of Asian children inSan Francisco public schools
- In return, Japan agreed tolimit the immigration of its citizens to the United States
Great White Fleet
-Battleships sent by Roosevelt in 1907 ona “good will cruise” around the world
- political, military, social, and economic domination ofstrong nations over weaker territories
- Americans believe their way of life is the best way of life
- Ex: Hawaii
- USA wanted as a whaling port (deep water port)
- Stores coal
Foraker Act
- law establishing a civil government in Puerto Rico -People of Puerto Rico can elect their own officials
- President of USA chooses the governor
Platt Amendment
- set of conditions under which Cuba wasgranted independence in 1902
- including restrictions onrights of Cubans
- granting to the U.S. the “right tointervene” to preserve order in Cuba
- USA going back on their words from Teller Amendment
- Prevented Cuban treaties without USA approval
- USA right to intervene when Cuba is threatened
- Cuba is not sovereign
- USA has naval base in Cuba w/ marines
Big Stick Diplomacy
- Theodore Roosevelt’s policy of creatingusing, when necessary, a strong military toachieve America’s goals
- Ex: Great White Fleet
- Projects American power (Deterent)
- Ex: Great White Fleet
Panama Canal
- human-made waterway linking the Atlanticto the Pacific across the Isthmus of Panama
- Leads to the discovery that mosquitoes carry Yellow Fever and Malaria
- Afterwards, they build a canal
- Helps move comercial ships from Pacific to Atlantic and vice versa
- Theodore Roosevelt gave Panama independence from Columbia so they could build the canal
Roosevelt Corollary
- President Theodore Roosevelt’sreassertion of the Monroe Doctrine to keep the WesternHemisphere free from intervention by European powers
- USA pays off debt of the Western Hemisphere that they owe to Eastern Hemisphere
Dollar Diplomacy
- President Taft’s policy of expandingAmerican investments abroad
- Get involved in Latin America to increase economy
Moral Diplomacy
- Woodrow Wilson’s statement that theU.S. would not use force to assert influence in the world,but would instead work to promote human rights (basic freedoms)
- Everyone in the world should have basic human rights, people feel they have an opportunity to make a living
- Fight in wars for other countries
Francisco “Pancho” Villa
- Mexican Bandit
- Crosses boarder, kills people in New Mexico, robs a bank, goes back to Mexico
- Sends American Army into Mexico to catch Villa
- Never is caught
What actions did USA take to obtain land in Latin America?
- Dollar Diplomacy
- Big Stick Diplomacy: USS Maine sent to Cuba to project American power and protect American interest in Cuba
- Roosevelt Corollary:
- Monroe Doctrine is followed (Eastern Hemisphere cannot interfere with Western Hemisphere)
- Panama Canal:
- Roosevelt wants to build Panama Canal
- Approaches Columbia, who says no
- Gives Panama their freedom so we can build it
Social Darwinism and How Imperialists use it
-Survival of the fittest
-Stronger nations were destined to take over weaker territories
Ex: Hawaii
-USA starts with Americans having interest in Hawaii such as sugar cane and pineapple
-US officials with USA planters overthrew Queen Liliuokalani
-Stanford B Dole asked President Harrison to annex Hawaii to USA
-Annexation of Hawaii occurred during Cleveland’s Presidency