Chapter 21 Flashcards
- Practice of making high-risk investments inhopes of obtaining large profits
- Investors gambled w/ money they didn’t have, used it to buy stocks
Black Tuesday
- October 29, 1929, when stock prices fellsharply in the Great Crash
- People started to sell their stocks in order to try to save their money
- Many people commit suicide
Business Cycle
-Periodic growth and contraction of theeconomy
Great Depression
-Period lasting from 1929 to 1941 inwhich the U.S. economy faltered and unemploymentsoared (25% of people)
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
-Protective import tax authorized byCongress in 1930
Bread Lines
- Line of people waiting for food handouts fromcharities or public agencies
- Sometimes handed out my churches
- Eventually the handed out soup too
-Term used to describe makeshift shantytownsset up by homeless people during the Great Depression
Tenant Farmers
- Farmers who gave a portion of their profit to the person who owned the land
- Rented the land
- Worked the farms, got a place to live
Dust Bowl
- Term used for the central and southern GreatPlains during the 1930s when the region suffered fromdrought and dust storms
- People would migrate to cities for jobs (creates pressure for cities)
- General term used to describe Dust Bowl refugees
- Migrated to cities for jobs (creates pressure for cities)
- Process by which Mexican Americans wereencouraged, or forced, by local, state, and federal officialsto return to Mexico during the 1930s
- Created more job for American citizens
- Policy relied on by President Hoover in the earlyyears of the Great Depression whereby local and state governmentsact as primary agents of economic relief
- Problems are solved at state and local levels
Reconstruction Finance Cooperation (RFC)
- Federalagency
- Created by Hoover
- Set up by Congress in 1932
- Provides emergencygovernment credit to banks, railroads, and other largebusinesses
- Believed the money would trickle-down
Trickle-Down Economics
- Idea that money poured from the top of the economic pyramid to the base
- Did not work because businesses would invest in companies over-seas
Hoover Dam
- Dam on the Colorado River that was builtduring the Great Depression
- Created jobs for Americans
Bonus Army
- Group of World War I veterans who marchedon Washington, D.C., in 1932 to demand early payment ofa bonus promised them by Congress
- Congress holds the bonus’
- Bonus used to support war veterans so they would spend the money and money would circulate throughout the system
Douglas MacArthur
- General of the American Army
- Fired tear gas at the Bonus Army w/ his federal troops, and fought them until they left DC
- People didn’t know a lot about it because radio and TV didn’t exist yet (newspaper had some impact)
Herbert Hoover
- Orphan who was born in Iowa
- Graduated from Stanford University (degree in geology)
- Nominated as the Republican for the 1928 election & 1932 (president Roosevelt won)
- Coordinated the Belgium relief program & was head of the Food Administration during WWI
- Served as Secretary of Commerce during the Harding and Coolidge administrations
- Believed American greatness showed itself when owners, workers, and the government converged on common goals
What does Hoover do when the Great Depression occurs
- Localism
- Hawley-Smoot Tariff: People will buy American goods
- Doesn’t work because Americans don’t really have money
- Foreign countries now tax our goods
- Takes government money & gives it to big businesses
- Gives money to railroads, banks, and big businesses
- Hope it will create jobs & trickle down economics
- Uneven distribution of wealth= cause of the Great Depression
- Starts to create the public works project (Hoover Dam)
- Employ people to create the dam
- The money they make will be spent & the wealth will spread
- Hawley-Smoot Tariff: People will buy American goods
Causes of the Great Depression
- Uneven distribution of wealth= cause of the Great Depression
- 1% of population controls wealth
- Droughts
- Dust Bowl
- Poor response by President Hoover and Congress
- Can be avoided by Keene approach, but we used a trickle down economics approach
- Speculation
- People made risky investments with money they do not have on stocks hoping that money will be made -When stock market crashed, no one could pay for their stocks
- Over production of agricultural and manufactured products
- Too many goods were being produced and not enough people were buying it
- People are then fired or receive pay cuts to maintain profit margins
- Can be avoided by Keene approach, but we used a trickle down economics approach
Markers of the Great Depression
- Banks closing
- Businesses failing
- Unemployment