Chapter 25 cog b-mod Flashcards
learn about cognitive behaviour modification?
cognitive behavior
- covert verbal or imaginal behavior.
- i.e.) thinking, talking to yourself, imagining specific behaviors or situations, and recalling past events.
- influenced by the same environmental, variables that influence overt behavior
cognitive behavior modification
- procedures used to help people change some aspect of their cognitive behavior
- includes procedures to help people eliminate undesirable cognitive behaviors ie, cognitive restructuring, and procedures to teach people more desirable cognitive behaviours such as cognitive coping skill strategies
behavoural activation
- a treatment for depression focusing on getting the client to engage in a larger scale number of variety of reinforcing activity.
- treatment where the therapist gets the client to commit to engage in a number of different reinforcing activities in a week
cognitive coping skills training
- a cognitive behaviour mdofication procedure in which the person learns specific self-statements for use in a problem situation to improve their behaviour or influence their behaviour
- ie. would be self-insturctional training
- designed to teach new cognitivebehaviours that are then used to promote other desirable behaviours
- used in cases of behavioural defecits- when a person does not have the cognitive behaviours needed to cope effectively with problem situation
cognitive distortion
- a type of thinking in which individuals negatively evaluate or interpret events in their lives and make logical errors in their thinking that lead to negative mood or depressed behaviour
- after identifying the distorted thinking, the next step is to challenge the person to evaluate their thoughts and replace the distorted thinking with more accurate or logical thoughts
cognitive restructuring
- a cognitive behaviour modification procedure in which the client learns to identify thoughts that are distressing and then learns to eliminate those thoughts or to replace them with more desirable thoughts
- designed to replace specific maladaptive cognitive behaviours with more adaptive ones
- used in cases of behavioural excess- when existing maladaptive cognitives contribute to a problem
cognitive therapy
- a type of cognitive restructuring originally developed by Beck, in which the therapist teaches to client to identify and change their distorted thoughts or self-talk
- helps people change their behaviour, including distorted thoughts or self0talk
- for depression - involved getting the person to engage in more reinforcing activities then use cognitive resturcturing to help the person change thier distorted thinking.
when the person engages in more reinforcing activities and replace distorted self-talk with more rational or accurate self talk it will make a person less depressed.
self-instructional training
- a type of cognitive behaviour modification procedure in which the client learns to make self-statements that increase the likelihood that a target bheaviour will occur in a specific situation.
examples of cognitive behaviours
- all or none-thinking
- overgeneralization
- disqualifying the positive
- jumping to conclusion
- magnification and minimization
- labelling and mislabeling
- personalization
selective abstraction
attending to a particular detail while ignoring the whole context
- ie. a friend who was late did not stop to talk to you so you feel rejected (has nothing to do with you)
erroneously attributing an external event to yourself
- ie. you hear people laughing an dbelieve they are laughing at you
collaborative empiricism
collaborative approach b/w clients and therapist using hypithesis- testing approach to evaluate beliefs
stress inoculation training
teaches cognitive skills that allows clients to deal with stresssful events