chapter 11 chaining Flashcards
backward chaining
- intensive training procedure typically used with learned with limited abilities
- you use prompting and fading to teach the last behaviour in the chain first
- once the last behaviour is mastered, you move onto the second-last behaviour
- this continues until the learner can exhibit the whole chain of behaviours when presented with the first SD without prompts
behavioural chain
A behavior chain is an event in which units of behavior occur in sequences and are linked together by learned cues
chaining procedures
- involves the systematic application of prompting and fading strategies to each stimulus response component in the chain
- 3 different types; backward chaining, forward chaining, and total task preparation
forward chaining
- difference b/w forward chaining and backward chaining is the point in which you begin training
- to use forward chaining, you present the first SD, prompt the correct response without any response when the first SD is presented
- this process continues until you have taught the last component in the chain and all the steps i the task analysis have been chained together in the proper order
- since you provide a reinforcer after each response in the chain during training, the outcome of each response becomes a conditioned reinforcer
graduated guidance
- use hand over hand guidance to lead the learner through the task
- over trials, you gradually provide less and less assistance and share the learners hand as the learner engages in the behaviour
- shadowing means keeping your hand close to learners hand as the learner engages in the behaviour- this allows you to initiate physical guidance immediately if the learner fails to execute one of the component behaviours in the chain
- *shadowing prevents errors and should be done a number of times as the learner exhibits the behavioural chain without assistance
multiple-opportunity method
The method evaluates the child’s level of mastery across all behaviors in the task analysis. If a step is performed incorrectly, out of order, or the time limit to complete the step has elapsed, the therapist completes the that skill for the child and positions the child for the next step.
picture prompts
- to be effective, the learner has to look at the pictures in the proper sequence, and the learner used this to perform the task correctly
- to use this procedure, the learner must be able to remember the self-instructions
- the learner first learns to recite the self-instructions out loud as a prompt for the correct behaviour
- after the learner has mastered the self-instructions, they manage to begin to recite them overly
single opportunity method
The method is designed to evaluate the child’s ability to perform each skill/behavior in the task analysis in the correct order. … Each step that the child completes correctly is recorded as a correct response, even if the child did not completed the previous steps correctly.
stimulus-response chaing
- each behaviour or response in the chain produces a stimulus change that acts on an SD for the next response in the chain
- the first response produces and SD for the second response in the sequence
- the second response produces an SD for the third response in the sequence and so on, until all the responses in the chain occur in order
task analysis
- the process of analyzing a behavioural chain by breaking it down into it’s individual stimulus-response components
total task preparation
- the total task is completed in each learning trial
- in these procedures, you use prompting to get the learner to engage in the entire chain of the behaviours from start to finish
- you use whatever type of prompting strategy is necessary to get the learner to engage in the entire task
video modeling
- by watching the task being completed on video, the learner is then able to compete the chain of behaviours
- used to teach learners with intellectual disabilities to engage in a variety of skills
- may be conducted in two ways:
1. learner watches whole video just before attempting to complete task orrr 2. the learner watches one step completes then moves to the next step
written task analysis
- trainer presents the learner with a list of the component behaviours in the proper sequence, and the learner used this list to perform the task correctly
- only effective if the learner can read the instructions, understand the instructions and execute the behaviour listed i the instructions
when to use total task presentation
- not too long or complex tasks
- learners ability to learn
- teachers ability level
how to use a chaining procedure
- determine whether a chaining procedure is apprpriate
- develp a task analysis
- get a baseline assessment for the learners ability
- choose the chaining method you will use
- continue reinforcement after the task has been learned
pure-prompt chaining
- each link in a chain is taught separately in a random order
- shaping steps reinforce successive approximations of the TB
- applies reinforcement and extionction
- steps gradually transfer stimulus control from the prompts to the SD
- applies reinforcement
- steps reinforce stimulus response links that comprise a sequence of behaviours