chapter 19- prompting generalization Flashcards
contractual approach to teaching problem behaviour
- focus on developing and increasing appropriate replacement behaviours
- the objective is to develop repertoires of more appropriate behaviour that are fucntional for the person
- attention mus bt paid to the following guidelines to achieve generalized reduction in problem behaviours
functionally equivalent response
- a response that results in the same reinforcing outcome as an alternative repines- the response saves the same function as the alternative response
- each response serves the same function for the person
- ie. if you were teaching a person with intellectual disability to use vending machines, you would teach a variety of responses that would operate the machines- some machines you would push a button to make a selection, some machines you would pull a knob; both responses produce the same outcome
- *if you were taught both responses, the person would be able to use a wide variety of machines after training = there would be greater generalization
general case programming
- using multiple training examples (stimulus exemplars) that sample the range of relevant stimulus situations and response variations
- th e occurrence of the behaviour in the presence of stimuli that are similar in some way to the SD that was present during training
- in b-mod, generalization is defined as the occurrence of the behaviour in the presence of all relevant stimuli outside the training situation
improvement in functioning
- defined not only by a decrease in or elimination of the problem behaviour but, more importantly, by the develpment and maintenance of new skills of the strengthening of existing alternative behaviours and an increase in quantity of positive reinforcement
- another indiciation of successful treatment is the generalization of behaviour change accross all relevant situations
mediator generalization
- a stimulus that is maintained and transported by the client as part of the treatment; can be a physical stimulus or behaviour exhibited by a person
- the mediator has stimulus control over the TB, so the behaviour generalizes beyond the training situation when the mediator is present
natural contingencies of reinforcement
- the reinforcement contingency for the behaviour of a particular person in the normal course of the person’s life
- if you cannot provide reinforcement of the behaviour in relevent situations outside the training situation, it is important for natural reinforcers to be presented
self-generated mediator of generalization
- a behaviour that makes it more likely that one will perform the TB at the right time - a self instruction that is used to cue the appropriate behaviour. an appropriate example
- self recording
- self instruction
- any behaviour that cues the appropriate behaviour in the target situation can be regarded as a self-generated mediator of generalization.
stimulus exemplars
- stimuli that represent the range of relevant stimulus situations in which the response is to occur after training - one strategy for promoting generalization is to train sufficient stimulus exemplars
- the logic is that if the learner is trained to respond correctly to a range of relevant stimulus situations (stimulus exemplars), the behaviour is more likely to generalize to all relevant stimulus situations
strategies of promoting generalization of behaviour change
- based on those reviewed by Stokes and Baer and Stokes and Osnes
- strategy 1-3 are based on reinforcing the behavior outside the training situation
- strategies 4-8 are based on promoting generalization by arranging appropriate stimulus situations and response variations during training
strategies of promoting generalization of behaviour change
- reinforcing occurrences of generalization
- training skills that contact naturl contingencies of reinforcement
- modifying contingencies of reinforcement and punishment in the natural environment
- incorporating a variety of relevant stimulus situation in training
- incorporating common stimuli
- teaching a range of functionally equivalent responses
- providing cues in the nautral environment
- incorporate self-generated mediators of generalization
implementing strategies to promote generalization
- identify the target stimulus for the behaviour
- identify natural contingencies of reinforcement for behaviour
- implement appropriate strategies to promote generalization
- measure generalization of behaviour change
constructional approach to teaching problem behaviours
- conduct a functional assessment of the problem behaviour
- plan for generalization in advnace
- focus on functionally equivalent alternative behaviours to replace the problem behaviours
- maintain extinction (or punishment) contingencies accross situations over time
response maintenacne
extension of behaviour change over time, after the program is no longer in effect
- ie. after reinforcement program is over, math problem completion cotinued over time
transfer of behaviour acrross situations and settings
behaviour changes takes place in new/ different settings and circumstances
- ie. math homework completion also increased
response generalization
altering one behaviour leads to similar changes in another, unaddressed response, may be one that is similar or related to the TB
ie. reduction in classroom dusruptions also occurred
promoting generalization
- exploit natural contingencies
- train diversely
- incorporate functional mediators
a stimulus that occurs b/w training and generalization, and facilitates or promotes generalization
- may be an SD
ie. referring to note cards before giving a presentation
behavioural trap
a behaviour that has been developed by programmed reinforcers is “trapped” ie.(maintained) by natural reinforcers
ie) once someone starts to taling to one person in a social context you start to talk to more peopel
in situ training
training occurs in the natural environment after an in situ assesment in which the person does not perform the target behaviour (in in situ assessment, person is unaware that they are being assessed)