Chapter 23: Occlusal and Localization Techniques Flashcards
Principles, Equipment and Guidelines of the Occlusal and Localization Techniques
Define the term: fracture
the breaking of a part (appears as a thin radiolucent line)
Define the term: intraoral
inside the mouth
Define the term: intraoral imaging examination
a dental imaging inspection of teeth and intraoral adjacent structures
Define the term: occlusal examination
a type of intraoral examination used to inspect large areas of the maxilla or mandible in one image
What angulation is used when trying to localize vertically aligned objects?
horizontal angulation
When using the buccal object rule, if the object being localized has moved in the same direction as the shift of the position-indicating device, how is that object positioned?
Define the term: vertical
an up-and-down plane
Define the term: position-indicating device (PID) / cone
- an open-ended, lead-lined cylinder extending from the opening of the tubehead
*aims and shapes the x-ray beam
Define the term: periapical
around the apex of a tooth
Define the term: angulation
the alignment of the central x-ray beam in the horizontal and vertical planes
How is the patient’s head and midsaggital plane positioned for maxillary occlusal exposures?
with the maxillary arch parallel to the floor and the midsagittal plane plane perpendicular to the floor
Define the term: maxillary topographic occlusal projection
a type of occlusal projection used to examine the palate and anterior teeth of the maxilla
Define the term: vertical angulation
the positioning of the position-indicating device in a vertical plane
Define the term: intraoral receptor
an image receptor is placed inside the mouth during x-ray exposure to examine teeth and supporting structures
List the three types of mandibular occlusal projections.
- mandibular topographic occlusal projection
- mandibular cross-sectional occlusal projection
- mandibular pediatric occlusal projection
Define the term: occlusal receptor
an image receptor is placed intraorally so that the patient occludes on the receptor in order to examine large areas of the maxilla or mandible
Define the term: maxillary teeth
teeth located in the maxilla or upper arch
Define the term: occlusal technique
the method used to expose a receptor in occlusal examination
Which localization technique is commonly used to locate objects in the mandible?
the right angle technique
Define the term: image receptor
a recording medium (ex: PSP plate, digital sensor)
What is the correct vertical angulation for a maxillary lateral occlusal projection?
+60 degrees
Define the term: central ray (CR)
the central portion of the primary beam of x-radiation
Define the term: anterior
towards the front
Define the term: mandibular topographic occlusal projection
a type of occlusal projection used to examine the anterior teeth of the mandible
Define the term: mandibular cross-sectional occlusal projection
a type of occlusal projection used to examine the buccal and lingual aspects of the mandible and locate foreign bodies in the floor of the mouth
Define the term: maxilla
the upper jaw
Define the term: mandibular teeth
teeth located in the mandible or lower arch
Define the term: anterior teeth
central incisors, lateral incisors, and canines/cuspids
Define the term: buccal object rule
- a method used to illustrate the orientation of structures portrayed in two images exposed at different angulations
- used to determine the buccal-lingual relationship of an object
Define the term: mandible
the lower jaw
What is the correct vertical angulation for a mandibular cross-sectional occlusal projection?
90 degrees
Define the term: posterior
towards the back
Define the term: localization techniques
method used to locate the position of a tooth or object in the jaws
Define the term: endodontics
the branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the dental pulp
Define the term: maxillary pediatric occlusal projection
a type of occlusal projection used to examine the anterior teeth of the maxilla used in children 5 years or younger
What is the correct vertical angulation for a maxillary pediatric occlusal projection?
+60 degrees
What is the correct vertical angulation for a mandibular topographic occlusal projection?
-55 degrees
Define the term: superior
describes an area that is higher on a vertical axis
When using the buccal object rule, if the object being localized has moved in the opposite direction as the shift of the position-indicating device, how is that object positioned?
Define the term: exposure
a measure of ionization produced in air by x-radiation or gamma radiation
Define the term: occlusal
the chewing surfaces of posterior teeth
Define the term: maxillary lateral occlusal projection
a type of occlusal projection used to examine the palatal roots of molar teeth and locate foreign bodies or lesions in the posterior maxilla
What is the “SLOB” rule?
Same = Lingual / Opposite = Buccal
Define the term: endodontic
found within a tooth
Define the term: mandibular pediatric occlusal projection
a type of occlusal projection used to examine the anterior teeth of the mandible in children aged 5 years or younger
Define the term: endodontic patient
a patient who has undergone endodontic therapy
Define the term: periapical examination
a type of intraoral imaging examination used to view the entire tooth (crown and root) and supporting bone
When using the occlusal technique, how is the image receptor stabilized during exposure?
by the patient gently biting on the surface of the image receptor
Define the term: gutta percha
rubberlike material used in endodontic therapy to fill the pulp canals and pulp chamber (appears radiopaque)
List the two types of localization techniques.
- buccal object rule
- right angle technique
What angulation is used when trying to localize horizontally aligned objects?
vertical angulation
What is the correct vertical angulation for a mandibular pediatric occlusal projection?
-55 degrees
Define the term: x-ray beam angulation
one of the influencing factors for image distortion that refers to the direction of the x-ray beam
Define the term: intraoral image
- an image the results when an image receptor is placed inside the mouth and exposed to x-rays
- used to examine teeth
List the three types of maxillary occlusal projections.
- maxillary topographic occlusal projection
- maxillary lateral occlusal projection
- maxillary pediatric occlusal projection
Define the term: inferior
describes an area that is lower on a vertical axis
What is the correct vertical angulation for a maxillary topographic occlusal projection?
+ 65 degrees
Define the term: posterior teeth
first and second premolars/bicuspids, and first, second and third molars
When using the occlusal technique, how is the image receptor positioned?
the image receptor is placed with the tube side facing the arch that is being exposed, with the receptor between the occlusal surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular teeth