Chapter 22: Descent w/ Modification Flashcards
What is the definition of EVOLUTION?
descent with modification or change in the genetic composition of a population from generation to generation
What is the definition of FOSSILS?
A preserved remnant or impression of an organism that lived in the past (often found trapped in sedimentary rocks)
What is the definition of STRATA?
superimposed layers of sedimentary rocks
What is the definition of PALEONTOLOGY?
the study of fossils (discovered by Cuner)
Who said “geological processes are gradual”
Who said “use and disuse, inheritance of aquired characteristics”
What is the definition of NATURAL SELECTION?
a process in which individuals that have certain inherited traits tend to survive and reproduce at higher rates than do other individuals because of those traits
What is an example of ADAPTATIONS seen in lecture?
The black variations of Galapagos finches
modification of species over generations by selecting and breeding individuals that posses desired traits
What were the 2 observations and 2 inferences that Darwin made regarding evolution?
Observation 1: members of a population vary in inherited traits
Observation 2: All offspring produce more offspring than their environment can support and many of these offspring fail to survive
Inference 1: individuals with beneficial traits are more likely to survive and thrive
Inference 2: the unequal ability to survive leads to the accumulation of favorable traits
What is the definition of ADAPTATION?
inherited characteristics of an organism that enhances its chance of survival and reproduction in a specific environment
What is the definition of FITNESS?
an organisms ability to survive, find a mate, and reproduce
What is an example of NATURAL SELECTION seen in lecture?
The different types of flower and leaf mantids
What was the main wrong assumptions of LAMARK?
That acquired traits could be passed down through generations
In order for natural selection to occur these variations must occur: (demonstrated by what example?)
- There must be variation
- these variations must be heritable
- these variations must effect the individuals ability to survive
example used: yellow and red lady bug
brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, kale, kohlrabi have alll been modified from wild mustard
What is the example of evidence for evidence of evolution through direct observation?
The soapberry bug of Florida and its back length depending on its location/food source
S Florida feeds on balloon vine so has long beak
C Florida feeds on goldenrain tree so has short beak
populations that were introduced to the opposite food source evolved to have shorter/longer beak length
What is an example of evidence for evidence of evolution through direct observation that has affected humans?
The bacteria S. Aureus becoming basically resistant to methilcilin in the form MRSA
What is the definition of Homology?
Similarity in characteristics resulting from a shared ancestry
What is the definition of Homologous Structures? What are the examples used from class?
structures that represent variation on a structural theme that was present in a common ancestor
ex. the forelimbs of bats, whales, humans, and cats
ex. the embryo of a chick and a human
What is the definition of VESTIGIAL STRUCTURE?
remnants of features that served a purpose for the organisms ancestors but no longer serves the current animal.
ex. whale hip bones
ex. human tail bones
ex. human bump on ear (helix) shared with monkeys
The fossil record documents the patterns of evolution, showing that cetaceans ___________________.
cetaceans are most closely related to hippopotamuses event toed ungulates
What is the definition of ATP?
Adenosine tri-Phosphate
is the molecule that fuels life. It is where our cells get the energy needed to perform their tasks.
What is the definition of biogeography and what was the example given in class?
The scientific study of the past and present geographic distributions of species
ex. horses in North America
What is CONVERGENT EVOLUTION and what was the example of it in class?
the independent evolution of similar features in different lineages that arise due to similar environmental pressures
ex. sugar glider and flying squirrel
What does ENDEMIC mean?
Referring to a species that is confined to a specific geographic area (found nowhere else in the world)
The supercontinent that formed near the end of the Paleozoic era, when plate movements brought all the landmasses of Earth together.