Chapter 21 - The Army And Conquest During The Consulate And Empire Flashcards
How had the Second Coalition been weakened?
Russian withdrawal at Zurich
What countries were still against N?
Austria, Prussia, Britain
What did N decide to do in 1800?
Mount a ‘surprise ‘ attack against the Russians
He led 50,000 men through Swiss Alps
Took longer than expected + Austrians were waiting for him
We’re outnumbered + exhausted
Reserve troops enabled F to win
In November what did the F do?
Sent another troop
Won at Hohenliden
What were the Austrians forced to sign?
Treaty of Lunéville
F allowed to keep former gains
Got Italy + Dalmatian coast
What was agreed in 1802 to stop war with B?
Peace of Amiens
What did the Peace of Amiens say?
F agreed to leave United Provinces, Naples + Papal States if B:
All overseas territories by B returned to F
Minorca to Spain
Cape Colony to Dutch
Egypt to Turks
Malta to knights of St John
B could keep Trinidad + Sri Lanka
Why did the peace not last?
Neither side honoured its terms
N stayed in United Provinces
B stayed in Malta
What did B declare in 1803?
War again
Why did N abandon his plan of invading B?
New threat from Austria
B navy too strong
What was the Battle of Trafalgar?
Nelson’s fleet trapped F + Spanish in Cape Trafalgar
They lost 22 ships, B none
Stopped them invading
What did N create in preparation for this?
‘Army of England’
193,000 men + 9149 horses
What did B prime minister Pitt finance in 1804?
Third coalition
With Russia - 1805
Then Austria - 1805
What did N do Oct 1805?
Defeated Austrians at Ulm
Captured 50,000 troops
Minimal F losses
What did N do dec 1805?
Ended Austrians part in coalition
Forced Russians to retreat
What did N create jul 1806?
‘Confederation of the Rhine’
Consolidated control in Germany after victories
Extended to other places
Prussians joined coalition
What did further defeats do?
Led Prussians + Russians to seek peace
What did N do Oct 1806?
Prussians beat at Jena + Austerstadt
N entered Berlin
What brought total withdrawal of Russian troops in 1807?
Battle at Eylau + Friedland
What had N accomplished from all of this?
Broke 3rd coalition
Occupied Vienna, Berlin, Warsaw
Made peace with Tsar Alexander I - Peace of Tilsit
What did the Treaty of Tilsit include?
Prussia gives up share of Poland - made Grand Duchy of Warsaw
F army occupied until 120 million francs paid
Russia joined continental system
What broke diplomatic relations with the F + Papacy?
Occupation of Rome, Papal provinces of Ancona, Macerata, Fermo + Urbino
What did these annexations do?
Strengthened continental system
Showed power with Emperor now not Papacy
I’m 1809 where did N issue two decrees?
Schönbrunn Palace near Vienna
What were the decrees about?
Confirmed that territories that were still under the direct control of the Papal State are to be annexed by French Empire
What did the Pope do?
Excommunicated N
Even though he gave the Pope 2 mil francs in place
Where was the Pope moved to?
Grenoble, then Sabina to be confined
Returned to Rome 1814
What was a successor of the rev armies?
N Grande Armée
What had improved in the army during the rev years?
More professional
Promotion by merit
More training + education
Advances in weaponry - lighter field artillery
What had changed in who could be in the army?
No longer volunteers
Now conscription
Who could N call on for conscription?
France - largest pop in Europe
Satellite states
What propaganda encouraged them to fight?
Fighting for ‘La Partrie’ + ‘liberty and equality’
What was amalgame?
Carnot advocated it
Meant new recruits fought alongside veterans
What were corps?
Groups of soldiers used for battle strategy
N studied them
Who did N study military organisation from?
Guibert + Bourcet
What did the corps do rather than waiting for lines of baggage carts?
Lived off the land
What advantage did N have in being a military leader for France?
Studied warfare
Head of state and head of govt - could get whatever resources he needed
What other qualities did he have to make him a good leader?
Confidence - going into battle
Charismatic - addressed men directly
What did he do to encourage his men?
Reported victories in bulletins
Gave them rewards for their efforts - extra rations
What were the weaknesses of France’s enemies?
Generals appointed for who they were not ability
Soldiers hearts not in the cause
Commanders ‘fought by the book’
Used supply wagons + static formations
Never United in their coalitions - N took advantage of this
Why did the empire expand?
Due to military success
What had these incorporated territories been called?
Pays réunis
Who were the pays réunis treated differently from?
Pays conquis - conquered territories
Pays alliés - allied territories - also called satellite states
What was N reasons for expansion?
Wanted to create a ‘common fatherland’
Saw it as spreading enlightenment and getting rid of feudalism
Who did he compare himself to?
Alexander the Great
What did N act as?
Like the royal families of Europe
Created a dynasty
What were examples of his family being given parts of the empire!
Bro Joseph = King of Naples 1808 then Spain
Sis Caroline = married marshal Murat = King of Naples
Bro Louis = King of Holland
Bro Jérôme = King of Westphalia
What were valuable things about the empire?
Mark of prestige - enhanced F pride
Helped income + materials + forced loans
Seized land could be dotations + new titles made
Helped provide men for army
Increased talent pool
Helped spread enlightenment
Unified people of europe
What were the problems of the empire?
Costly when trying to recover from rev
Administration outstripped revenue
Impossible to ensure loyalty - N’s siblings
Needed more army for more land
Scholarships to others reduced amount for F
Resentment towards F of tax + conscription + blockade - made uprisings
Imposed alien culture