Chapter 20: Make Room for the Ruminants Flashcards
cud-chewing animal with a forestomach that allows fermentation of ingesta
balling gun
tool used to administer pills, boluses, or magnets to livestock (also called a bolus gun)
California Mastitis Test
test that is a cow-side indicator of somatic cell count to determine the presence of mastitis
mechanical device that is used to restrain cattle
composite breed
new breed developed from combining established breeds
first milklike substance produced by the female after parturition; it is thick, yellow, and high in protein and antibodies
having resulted from mating 2 different breeds in the same species
to remove horns or horn buds by chemical, thermal, or mechanical means
dental pad
hard surface of the upper mouth of ruminants that serves in place of upper teeth
ear tagging
placement of ID tag in left ear (the right is reserved for brucellosis vaccine tattoo)
fly strike
infestation with maggots
gomer bull
bull used to detect females in heat; may have penis surgically deviated to he side, treated with androgens, or may be vasectomized so he can not impregnate females; also called teaser bull
device inserted in the ear that provides a slow release of hormones to the animal to increase feed efficiency
resulting from the mating of two animals who are closely related
charged metal device that is used to prevent hardware disease (traumatic reticuloperitonitis); given orally and placed in reticulum
nose tongs
clamp used to grasp the nasal septum to restrict movement
inedible visceral organs and unusable tissues removed from the carcass of a slaughtered animal
parturient paresis
hypocalcemic metabolic disorder of ruminants seen in late pregnancy or early lactation; also called milk fever
melt down fat by heat
restraint device that secures cattle around the neck to allow accessibility for milking, feeding, and examining
distal part of bovine tail that consists of long, coarse hairs
a restraint technique used in cattle where the tailhead is grasped and raised vertically; also called tail jacking
tie stall
stall only large enough for one animal which is usually tied by a neck chain or halter
tilt table
restraint table that can be tilted, which is helpful in treating or trimming an animal’s feed
traumatic reticuloperitonitis
caused by ingestion and migration of foreign body into the reticulum which can penetrate the diaphragm and pericardium causing pericarditis; abbreviated TRP; commonly called hardware disease
remove young from their mother so they can no longer nurse
not lactating
amount of food consumed by animal in 24-hour period
broken mouth
loss of teeth which indicates animal is at least 5 years old
removal of distal portion of tail (done in lambs to prevent fly strike)
young sheep meat
fatlike substance secreted by sebaceous glands of sheep
adult sheep meat
appendage suspended from the head (usually the chin) in goats, turkeys, and chickens
bovine respiratory syncytial virus
paramyxovirus infection of bovine associated with fatal pneumonia; BRSV or RSV
bovine viral diarrhea
togavirus infection of bovine that is associated with acute stomatitis, gastroenteritis, and diarrhea; BVD
bacterial infection called by Brucella abortus that causes abortion in cattle
clostridial disease
group of bacterial infectious conditions of ruminants caused by Clostridium, which includes blackleg, malignant edema, pulp kidney, enterotoxemia, and overeating disease
corona virus that causes diarrhea in calves
E. coli
bacterial infection that typically causes scours in calves; also known as colisepticemia and septicemic colibacillosis
enzootic abortion
bacterial infection that causes abortion in sheep
Haemophilus somnus
bacterial infection that causes reproductive, urinary, respiratory, and septicemic disease in catte
infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
herpesvirus infection of bovine that is associated with fever, anorexia, tachypnea, and cough; IBR
associated with fever, cough, and diarrhea; one part of the shipping fever complex; PI-3
causes respiratory disease in cattle, sheep and goats
causes scours in calves
also called orf; causes lesions in mouth of sheep, goats, and camelids
highly fatal bacterial disease caused by toxin of Clostridium tetani associated with hyperesthesia, tetany, and convulsions; TE; also called lockjaw
associated with infertility and irregular estrous cycles; bulls are vaccinated; also called campylobacteriosis