Chapter 2, Section 2 Flashcards
Are bacteria prokaryotes or eukaryotes?
Prokaryotes because the genetic material in their cells is not contained in the nucleus.
What are the bacterial cell structures?
Cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm, ribosomes, flagellum, genetic material
What is the function of the cell wall?
The rigid cell wall protects the cell.
What is the function of the cell membrane?
The cell membrane controls what materials pass into and out of the cell.
What is cytoplasm?
Cytoplasm is the region inside the cell membrane which contains gel like material.
What is the function of ribosomes?
Ribosomes are tiny structures located in the cytoplasm. They are chemical factories where proteins are produced.
What is the function of the genetic material?
The genetic material is found in the cytoplasm. It contains the instructions for all of the cells functions.
What is the function of the flagellum?
The flagellum move the cell by spinning in place like a propeller.
How many flagellum can a bacterial cell have?
A bacterial cell can have many flagella, one, or none.
If a bacteria does not have any flagella how do they move?
They are carried from place to place by the air, water currents, objects, or other methods.
What are the three shapes most bacteria are?
Rod like, spherical, spiral shaped.
Do bacteria very greatly in size?
Yes, they vary from the size of a period at the end of a sentence to a micrometer which is 1 millionth of the meter.
What are 3 differences between a bacteria cell and virus?
- A virus is a nonliving particle and a bacteria is a prokaryote.
- A virus doesn’t have a cell wall, cell membrane, ribosomes, cytoplasm or flagella, but instead has a protein coat and surface proteins.
- A virus requires a living host to survive. A bacteria can exist on both living and non living hosts.
What two things do bacteria need to survive?
Bacteria must have a source of food and a way of breaking down the food to release its energy.
How does bacteria obtain food?
Some bacteria are autotroghs and make their own food. Some bacteria are heterotrophs and cannot make their own food, but instead must consume other organisms or the food the other organisms make.
What are two ways autotrophic bacteria make food?
Some capture and use the sun’s energy as plants do, while others use chemical substances in their environment.
What is the process of breaking down food to release its energy called?
Most bacteria need what to break down there food?
What do bacteria need to reproduce?
Plenty of food, the right temperature and other suitable conditions.
What is it called when one cell divides to form two identical cells?
Binary fission
What is the reproductive process that involves only one parent and produces offspring that are identical to the parent?
Asexual reproduction
Is binary fission asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction?
Asexual reproduction
True or false
With binary fission each new cell is identical to the parent cell.
What is it called when two parents combine their genetic material to produce a new organism, which differs from both parents?
Sexual reproduction
What is the process called when one bacterium transfers some of its genetic material into another bacterium through a thin thread like bridge that joins the two cells?
Does conjugation increase the number of bacteria?
Does conjugation result in new bacteria that are genetically different from the parent cells?
What are the 6 ways that people depend on bacteria?
1) Oxygen production
2) Food production
3) Environmental recycling
4) Environmental cleanup
5) Health maintenance
6) Medicine production
How does bacteria produce oxygen?
As autotrophic bacteria uses the sun’s energy to produce food, they also release oxygen into the air.
During what process is food heated to a temperature that is high enough to kill most harmful bacteria without changing the taste of the food?
What is an example of bacteria in food production?
Bacteria that grow in milk produce dairy products such as yogurt, sour cream, and cheese.
What are organisms that break down large chemicals in dead organisms into small chemicals called?
What is an example of environmental recycling bacteria?
When leaves fall off trees that die in autumn, there is decomposing bacteria on those leaves that break down the chemicals in the dead leaves. Then those chemicals mix with the soil and are absorbed by roots of nearby plants.
What returns basic chemicals to the environment for other living things to reuse?
Natures recyclers or decomposers
What is an example of how bacteria can be used to clean up Earth’s land and water?
Some bacteria convert the poisonous chemicals in oil to harmless substances. Scientists use them to clean up oil spills in the ocean.
What is an example of how bacteria can keep you healthy?
Bacteria in your intestines can help you digest your food.
What is an example of using bacteria to make medicine?
Scientists engineers bacteria to produce human insulin which is used for diabetes patients.
How do bacteria obtain energy to carry out their functions?
Bacteria’s energy comes from food.