Chapter 19: Case Studies Flashcards
Stage of change…
“I want to be healthier, eat healthy and lose weight but I’ve had a poor history of doing that. I’m ready to change that”
Client intimates contact with health coach
Early phase assessments (4)
Circumference measurement
Obese and sedentary : exercise plan(3)
Improve postural stability
Improve static and dynamic balance
Walking - work up to 30 min
Our thoughts create _
_ fuel our behavior
What we feel
Ideal cholesterol profile: Total cholesterol LDL HDL Triglycerides
Less than 200
Less than 100
60 or higher
Less than 150
Conduct assessments for busy clients
As part of his first. Workout
Client with high cholesterol, sedentary:
Aerobic exercise
Steps per minutes
150 moderate intensity / week
100 steps
Giving in to temptation strengthens the _ habit
Giving-in habit
Decisions balance technique helpful for _ stages
Precontemplation and contemplation
Goals for preparation stage
Behavioral goals
OARS model
Open ended questions
Reflectively listen
Cardio respiratory Assessment for sedentary clients
No assessment necessary
Risk factors +1
BMI Serum cholesterol LDL Fasting plasma glucose Hypertension
30 or greater 200 or greater 130 or greater 100 or greater 140 or greater/ 90 or greater
Low risk
Moderate risk
High risk
Less than 2
2 or more risk factors
Symptomaticor known disease
Front plank
Unable to hold _ seconds = poor and lacks core stability
30 seconds
Overhead. Reach test
Both hands touch floor but back arches
Client lacks shoulder mobility and core stability