Chapter 18 Comfort, Rest, and Sleep Flashcards
absence of breathing
the performance of routine tasks without full awareness or later memory of having done them
automatic behavior
grinding of the teeth
sudden loss of muscle tone, triggered by an emotional change such as laughing or anger
phenomena that cycle on a 24-hour basis
circadian rhythm
mechanisms for maintaining temperature, humidity, and ventilation
climate control
State in which a person is relieved of distress
diminished effect of a drug at its usual dosage range
drug tolerance
A specialist who studies how the environment affects behavior
environmental psychologist
amount of moisture in the air
sleep disorder characterized by feeling sleepy despite getting a normal amount of sleep
excessive sleeping
dream-like auditory or visual experiences while dozing or falling asleep
hypnagogic hallucinations
Muscle twitches that occur during the onset of sleep
hypnagogic jerks
An agent that produces sleep
inadequate oxygen at the cellular level
sleep disorder involving early awakening or difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
Emotional and physical changes experienced when arriving in a different time zone
jet lag
stroking the skin
layer of foam or other devices placed on top of the mattress
mattress overlays
hormone that induces drowsiness and sleep
unintentional sleep lasting 20 to 30 seconds
assessment of daytime sleepiness
multiple sleep latency test
sleep disorder characterized by the sudden onset of daytime sleep, a short NREM period before the first REM phase, and pathologic manifestations of REM sleep
nocturnal enuresis
technique used to obtain physiologic data during nighttime sleep
nocturnal polysomnography
Changing linen while the client remains in bed
occupied bed
a condition associated with activities that cause arousal or partial arousal, usually during transitions in NREM periods of sleep
number of daylight hours
technique for suppressing melatonin by stimulating light receptors in the eye
Therapeutic exercise whereby a person actively contracts and then relaxes muscle groups
progressive relaxation
ratio between the amount of moisture in the air and the greatest amount of water vapor the air can hold at a given temperature
relative humidity
Deviation of the normal sleep cycle when REM is interrupted, characterized by returning to REM earlier than usual and staying in REM longer
REM rebound sleep
A waking state characterized by reduced activity and reduced mental stimulation
movement, typically in the legs but occasionally in the arms or other body parts, to relieve disturbing skin sensations
restless legs syndrome
A drug that produces a relaxing and calming effect
state of arousable unconsciousness
Sleep disorder in which the sleeper stops breathing or the breathing slows for 10 seconds or longer, five or more times per hour
Sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome
daily account of sleeping and waking activities
sleep diary
Feeling of incomplete awakening or grogginess as though still in a sleep state when a sleep cycle is interrupted
sleep inertia
inability to move for a few minutes just before falling asleep or awakening
sleep paralysis
habitual activities performed before retiring
sleep rituals
A condition that results from a sleep schedule that involves daytime sleeping
Sleep–wake cycle disturbance
Drugs that excite structures in the brain
Onset of disorientation as the sun sets
sundown syndrome
early morning confusion
sunrise syndrome
ability to maintain a stable body temperature
Changing the linens when the bed is empty
unoccupied bed
(1) movement of air in and out of the lungs
(2) movement of air in the environment