Chapter 16 Flashcards
Pa__-Go__ Theory
__-__ theory states that a good leader provides clear direction, sets high goals, gets involved in goal achievement and supports his employees.
Path-Goal Theory
In __-oriented leadership challenging goals are set, high performance is expected and management has a high level of confidence in the employee’s ability to achieve the goals.
Path-Goal Theory - Robert J. House
Dir__ Leadership
__ leadership involves giving specific advice or directives, clarifying expectations and assigning tasks to individuals or a group.
Path-Goal Theory - Robert J. House
Directive Leadership
Managers who use __ leadership share information with the group to gather input for goal achievement.
Path-Goal Theory - Robert J. House
Participative Leadership Theory
Sup__ Leadership
__ leadership fosters good relations between managers and employees. Managers exhibit personal concern for the health and well-being of the individual or the group.
Path-Goal Theory - Robert J. House
Supportive Leadership
Robert J. __ founded the path-goal theory.
Robert J. House
A good leader provides clear direction, sets high goals, gets involved in goal achievement, and supports his employees.
This describes what theory?
Authoritarian leaders, also known as __ leaders, make decisions without input from their subordinates.
Autocratic Leaders
Pa__ Leaders
Democratic leaders, also known as __ leaders, seek out input from their subordinates.
They consider meeting the goals of the organization to be a collaborative effort from all participants.
Participative Leaders
Del__ Leaders
Laissez-faire leaders, also known as __ leaders, consider their subordinates to be fully capable of doing their jobs without direction and allow a high degree of autonomy on the part of their subordinates.
Delegative Leaders
Se__ Leader
The __ leader makes service to others as a priority.
It is predominantly a democratic leadership philosophy and is often found in situations where the leader is elected by constituents.
A __ leader includes constituents in the decision-making process.
Servant Leader
Ch__ Leader
The __ leader often exhibits an authoritarian leadership style.
He or she leads through the power of their personality.
The __ leader can excite constituents and move quickly to enact an organization’s vision.
Tra__ Leader
The __ leader often follows a laissez-faire leadership philosophy.
__ leaders expect everyone on the team to give more than 100% to meet a goal and are generally looking to make big changes.
Transformational Leader
Sit__ Leader
The __ leader uses a leadership philosophy that changes with the current state of an organization.
When an authoritarian leadership style is needed, __ leaders fill that role.
When a more laissez-faire approach will work, that is the leadership style they use.
Situational Leader
inn__ Leader
The __ leader often uses a laissez-faire leadership style.
The __ leader encourages free expression of ideas and is able to see the whole picture.
Innovative Leader
Task OR People-Oriented
__-oriented leaders will search out the best methods and resources to get the work done, make decisions relating to organizing and assigning work as an individual, and continuously monitor the performance of those with whom the manager assigns the work to.
Task OR People-Oriented
__-oriented leaders believe the best way to get the job done is through people.
These leaders take a very humanistic approach by recognizing and accommodating the needs of their employees as part of the work process.
Tr__ Leadership
__ leadership runs under the premise of actions and reactions.
The __ leader views management as a sequence of transactions where the actions of subordinates result in either a reward or a punishment.
The reward or punishment is contingent upon performance.
Transactional Leadership
Passive OR Active?
The transactional leader who uses __ management by exception will monitor the employee’s performance closely and intervene only when an employee is not meeting the expectations, often resulting in a punishment.
Passive OR Active?
The transactional leader who uses __ management by exception will monitor employee performance closely, watch for slight deviations and quickly intervene to take corrective action to prevent further mistakes.
Transactional leadership assumes people are motivated by _____.
Extrinsic Rewards
Someone who follows a ‘by the book’ management philosophy is referred to as a __ leader.
Bureaucratic Leader
The last thing the __ leader wants to do is make a decision without knowing that it is the right one for the organization.
Bureaucratic Leader