Chapter 14 - Nervous System Disorders Flashcards
Inability to remember events for a period of time, often due to brain injury, illness, or the effects of drugs or alcohol.
a serious birth defect in which a baby is born without parts of the brain and skull
anomaly, anomalous
- something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified
- deviation from the common rule: IRREGULARITY
- the angular distance of a planet from its perihelion as seen from the sun
aphelion vs perihelion
aphelion: the point farthest from the sun in the path of an orbiting celestial body (such as a planet)
perihelion: the point nearest to the sun in the path of an orbiting celestial body (such as a planet)
angular distance
(also known as angular separation, apparent distance, or apparent separation)
the angle between the two sightlines, or between two point objects as viewed from an observer
(also called sight line, visual axis, or line of sight)
an imaginary line between a viewer/observer/spectator’s eye(s) and a subject of interest.
The term “line” typically presumes that the light by which the observed object is seen travels as a straight ray, which is sometimes not the case as light can take a curved/angulated path when reflected from a mirror, refracted by a lens or density changes in the traversed media, or deflected by a gravitational field.
The subject may be any definable object taken note of or to be taken note of by the observer, but some fields of study feature specific targets, such as vessels in navigation, marker flags or natural features in surveying, celestial objects in astronomy, and so on. To have optimal observational outcome, it is preferable to have a completely unobstructed sightline.
loss or impairment of the power to use or comprehend language usually resulting from brain damage (as from a stroke, head injury, or infection)
aphasia sometimes can be used to mean more severe than dysphasia, i.e. aphasia is complete loss
athetosis, athetoid
a nervous disorder that is marked by continual slow movements especially of the extremities and is usually due to a brain lesion
a condition in which an orifice or passage in the body is (usually abnormally) closed or absent
- a distinctive atmosphere surrounding a given source
- a subtle sensory stimulus (such as an aroma)
- medical : a subjective sensation (as of voices, colored lights, or crawling and numbness) experienced at the onset of a neurological condition and especially a migraine or epileptic seizure
- an energy field that is held to emanate from a living being
- a luminous radiation: NIMBUS
- a cloud, aura, atmosphere, etc., surrounding a person or thing
- an indication (such as a circle) of radiant light or glory about the head of a drawn or sculptured divinity, saint, or sovereign
- a rain cloud
bifurcation, bifurcate, bifurcating
- the point or area at which something divides into two branches or parts
- the state of being divided into two branches or parts
Broca’s area
a brain center associated with the motor control of speech and usually located in the left side of the frontal lobe
catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitor
a drug that inhibits the enzyme catechol-O-methyltransferase
used to treat Parkinson’s disease
one of several enzymes that degrade catecholamines (neurotransmitters such as dopamine, epinephrine, and norepinephrine)
resembling or characteristic of chorea
A movement disorder that causes involuntary, irregular, unpredictable muscle movements. The disorder can make you look like you’re dancing (the word chorea comes from the Greek word for “dance”) or look restless or fidgety. Chorea is a movement problem that occurs in many different diseases and conditions.
loss of or deficiency in the power to use or comprehend language as a result of injury to or disease of the brain
dysphasia sometimes can be used to mean less severe than aphasia, i.e. dysphasia is partial loss
expressive aphasia
also called motor aphasia
an impaired ability to speak or write fluently or appropriately
receptive aphasia
also called sensory aphasia
An inability to read or understand the spoken word. This category does not include hearing or visual impairment. The source of the problem is the inability to process information in the brain.
They may speak well and use long sentences, but what they say may not make sense. They may not know that what they’re saying is wrong, so may get frustrated when people don’t understand them.
global aphasia
a combination of expressive and receptive aphasia that results from major damage to the brain, including the Broca area, the Wernicke area, and many communicating fibers throughout the brain
fluent aphasia vs non-fluent aphasia
Aphasia may also be described as fluent or non-fluent.
In fluent aphasia the pace of speech is relatively normal but contains made-up words and sentences that do not make sense. Fluent aphasia is associated with damage to the Wernicke area.
Non-fluent aphasia is slow and labored speech with short phrases; often small words are omitted. It is associated with damage to the Broca area.
A condition in which words cannot be articulated clearly. It is a motor dysfunction that usually results from cranial nerve damage or muscle impairment.
impaired writing ability
alexia vs dyslexia
Those who suffer from “alexia” and “dyslexia” can have similar difficulties, however, “alexia” refers to an acquired reading disability, where reading ability had previously been developed, usually occurring in adulthood conditions, while “dyslexia” refers to developmental reading disability (i.e. in childhood).
Loss of the ability to identify objects or people.
There are 3 main types of agnosia: visual, auditory, and tactile.
Visual agnosia indicates an inability to recognize objects.
Auditory agnosia is the inability to recognize verbal sounds.
Tactile agnosia is the inability to recognize objects by touch.
A condition in which you lose the ability to visually orient or recognize the parts of your own body.
- a diagrammatic presentation
- a structured framework or plan : OUTLINE
- a mental codification of experience that includes a particular organized way of perceiving cognitively and responding to a complex situation or set of stimuli
a disturbance in the recognition of familiar voices and the impairment of voice discrimination abilities in which the affected individual does not suffer from comprehension deficits
The inability to perceive motion of visualized objects. This rare condition can cause you to see moving objects as a series of stills, like an object moving under a strobe light.
If the condition is severe, you may not be able to see any motion at all.
the inability to recognize familiar faces
clonus, clonic
a rapid succession of alternating contractions and partial relaxations of a muscle occurring in some nervous diseases
cognition, cognitive
of, relating to, or involving conscious mental activities (such as thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering)
coma (medical)
a state of profound unconsciousness caused by disease, injury, or poison
a state of mental or physical sluggishness: TORPOR
- a state of mental and motor inactivity with partial or total insensibility
- a state of lowered physiological activity typically characterized by reduced metabolism, heart rate, respiration, and body temperature that occurs in varying degrees especially in hibernating and estivating animals
- apathy, dullness
estivate, estivating
- zoology: to pass the summer in a state of torpor or dormancy
- to spend the summer usually at one place
Seeing two images of an object, also known as double vision.
foramen (plural: foramina)
an opening inside the body that allows key structures to connect one part of the body to another
overactive or overresponsive reflexes
Examples of this can include twitching or spastic tendencies, which are indicative of upper motor neuron disease as well as the lessening or loss of control ordinarily exerted by higher brain centers of lower neural pathways (disinhibition).
infratentorial region vs supratentorial region
In anatomy, the infratentorial region of the brain is the area located below the tentorium cerebelli.
The area of the brain above the tentorium cerebelli is the supratentorial region.
The infratentorial region contains the cerebellum, while the supratentorial region contains the cerebrum.
The infratentorial dura is innervated by nerves from C1-C3. (dura = dura mater)