Chapter 14 - Body Image & Self-Presentation Flashcards
What is normative discontent?
- prevalence of body-related concerns or dissatisfaction
What is body schema?
- a representation of the position & configuration of the body
What is body image boundaries ?
- an individuals perception of the meaning attributed to specific body parts, overall body awareness, & distortions in body perception
What is body cathexis?
- peoples subjective evaluation of their body that reflects their degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with it
What is body esteem?
- peoples self-evaluation of their body or appearance
What is affective dimension of body image?
- body-related feelings & emotions that an individual experiences in relation to his/her body
What is social physique anxiety?
- anxiety a person experiences as a result of perceived or actual judgement from others
What is body-relates shame?
- a negative emotion that is focused on the global physical self
What is body-related guilt?
- a negative emotion attributed to a failure of complementing an action or behaviour
What is body-related pride?
- a positive emotion from an individual feeling satisfied with his/her body-related behaviour or physical attributes
What is authentic pride?
- a type of pride focused on grandiose attributes of the self
What is perceptual dimension of body image?
- the mental representation or reflections that an individual has of his/her body appearance & function
What is cognitive dimension of body image?
- reflecting an individuals thoughts, beliefs, & evaluations of his/her body appearance & function
What is behavioural dimension of body image?
- the choices & actions people take based on the perceptions, feelings, thoughts, & cognitions they have about their body size, weight, shape, & function
What is body image investment?
- an individuals beliefs or assumptions about the importance, meaning, & influence of appearance in his/her life
What is self-presentation?
- Process by which individuals attempt to monitor & control the impressions others form of them
- Desired image not always positive
- Image generally truthful
Why do we self-present?
- Interpersonal influence
- Construct & maintain self
- Emotion regulation
- Societal benefits
What is impression motivation?
- how motivated people are to control how they are perceived by others
- a cognitive behaviour
What is impression construction?
- creating an image that one wishes to convey to others along with the particular strategies individuals use to create this impression
- a behavioural behaviour
What can self-presentation influence?
- Motivation to participate
- Choice of activity & setting
- Effort & exertion
- Affective responses to exercise participation
What is body Dysmorphia ?
- over-exaggerated & inaccurate perceptions of flaws related to body parts & characteristics
What is body Dysmorphia disorder?
- a recognized disorder reflecting an exaggerated preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance
What is muscle Dysmorphia?
- the belief that one is too small, too skinny, & insufficiently muscular, even though this isn’t the case
- condition with body Dysmorphia
How does steroids effect body builders ?
- 108 body builders were examined
- 55 used steroids, 53 did not
- steroid users recorded 8.3% had muscle Dysmorphia, non users recorded no muscle Dysmorphia
What is an eating disorder?
- abnormal eating habits that’s result in excessive food consumption
What is anorexia nervosa ?
- food restriction that leads to unhealthy body weight, a heightened fear of weight gain, & distorted perceptions of current body weight & shape
What is bulimia nervosa?
- recurrent binge eating & purging through self-induced vomiting, laxative use, or excessive exercise
What is the tripartite influence model of body image?
- suggests media, parents, & peers are key socializing agents in the development of body image
What is body related envy?
- a negative emotion that occurs when people feel they lack an other persons superior quality & either desire to have it or wish others lacked it
What is self-presentation efficacy?
- the perceived probability of successfully conveying ones desired impressions to others
- driven by self-efficacy beliefs
What is self-presentational efficacy expectancy ?
- the belief that one is capable of conveying a desired impression or performing the desired behaviour
What is self-presentational outcome expectancy?
- the belief that the conveyed impression & behaviours will lead to the desired outcome
What is self-presentational outcome value?
- the importance placed on the outcome involving self-presentation
What is downward social comparison?
- comparing oneself to individuals who are worse off on attributes of value
What is upward social comparison ?
- comparing oneself to others who are better off on attributes that are valued
What is ideal self?
- a self-reflection characterized by ones hopes & aspirations of what the person wants to be
What is ought self?
- a self-reflection characterized by ones hopes & aspirations of what a person thinks he/she should be
What is actual: ideal discrepancy?
- occurs when people perceive that their current state is discrepant from their ideal state
What is actual: ought discrepancy?
- occurs when individuals perceive their current state is discrepant from the state they feel they should be in
What behaviour do people have towards exercise with social physique anxiety?
- high SPA individuals tend to engage in more fitness type activities vs sport activities
Who score higher with social physique anxiety?
- women
- however, this tends to decrease with age
What is exercise addiction?
- A psychological and/or physiological dependence on a regular regime of exercise
- Characterized by withdrawal symptoms after 24-36 hours without exercise
- Other symptoms — anxiety, guilt, nervousness, irritability
What are positive/negative factors of exercise addiction ?
- Positive Addiction: Running (meditation, etc.) promote psychological health & life satisfaction = to be encouraged
- Negative Addiction: Obligatory, excessive, compulsive, dependence, withdrawal symptoms