Chapter 14-Anticipated Income Flashcards
What is reasonably anticipated income?
It is when the household knows exactly the date the income will be received, and how much will be received
What is a SAR?
SAR is a semi annual reporting. SAR 7 is sent out for applicant to review for any changes 6 months
What is used to determine CalFresh benefits for a certificated period of time?
Benefits are determined by using perspective budgeting, and reasonably anticipated income
What is perspective budgeting?
Perspective budgeting, is using the income amount that is expected with a reasonable certainty to establish eligibility for the certification. Example; $200 childcare payment each month.
What if the income amount or the date received is unknown at the time of application?
You will not use this in computing the budget for the current payment.
If the household does not have the date and/or idea of income coming in, what is their responsibility?
You will inform the household that it is their responsibility to report the income when it is received and only if it will put their combined household income over the income, reporting threshold, the IRT.
What is IRT?
IRT is income reporting threshold which is equal to 130% FPL federal poverty level
What if an applicant can reasonably anticipate that income will start or stop mid-period?
Income is only counted in the months of the income is reasonably anticipated to be received
What if the anticipated income differs from the income received?
If the household anticipated a higher amount then they received they can report it for re-calculation, and possibly receive an increase in benefits.
If the household anticipates a lower amount, then they received there is no penalty. They are only required to report if the income is over IRT.
Is there a penalty if the household anticipates a lower amount and they receive?
No there is no penalty. They are only required to report if the income is over IRT which is 130% of federal poverty level.