Chapter 13: circulation Flashcards
Name the three layers of an artery or vein
- Tunica intima
- tunica media
- tunica externa
Tunica intima
made of and function
Made of:
- endothelium and underlying connective tissue
- provides a barrier keeping blood in the blood vessel.
- layer closest to the blood
Tunica media
- made of and function
Made of:
- sheets smooth muscle surrounded by loose connective tissue
- smooth muscle contracts to increase blood vessel diameter and relaxes to decrease blood vessel diameter
Tunica externa
Made of:
- sheath of connective tissue around the blood vessel
- stabilizes blood vessel and anchors it in place
name three types of arteries
Elastic arteries
they are large and can stretch to accommodate the large pressure changes of the cardiac cycle
Muscular arteries
delivers blood to skeletal muscles and internal organs
SMALL arteries
- deliver blood to capillaries
which is the only blood vessel that allows nutients and waste to exchange across its walls?
Why are capillaries the only blood vessel that allows nutrients and waste to exchange across its walls?
they are very thin and only have one layer of endothelium attached to a basement membrane.
- This means that things can easily diffuse through its walls
Why do some capillaries carry blood and others do not at any given moment
Capillaries does not change its diameter to regulate blood flow, instead they work together in a network.
- PRECAPILLARY SPHINCTERS are circular bands of smooth muscle that control how much blood can get into each capillary.
- they can even completely close off a capillary
name the 3 types of capillaries
Continuous Capillary
really tight endothelial cell in the lining so only small things like water and ions can diffuse through
Fenestrated capillaries
So much nutrient/waste exchange happens that the capillary has pores (fenestrations) built into the wall to make diffusion easier.
what affects blood flow
- pressure changes
- resistance
- diameter and length of vessel
- viscosity
how do pressure changes affect blood flow?
increases the amount of blood flow
how des the diameter of a vessel affect blood flow
smaller diameter= lower blood flow
larger diameter= high blood flow
how does the length of a vessel affect blood flow
the longer the vessel the more resistance the less blood flow
how does viscosity affect blood flow
More thickness=more resistance=less blood flow
how does resistance affect blood flow
decreases blood flow
- increases blood pressure
what is viscosity
the thickness of blood
Mean Systemic Arterial Pressure (MSAP) equation
MSAP= Diastolic pressure (DP) + 1/3*Pulse pressure(PP)
pulse pressure equation
PP=systolic pressure (SP) - Diastolic pressure (DP)
What is circulatory shock?
when the blood pressure gets so low that the circulatory system can’t adequately deliver blood to tissues and cells stop working right and start hurting and dying
What is hypovolemic shock and how do you fix it
not enough blood volume (usually because you are bleeding to death)
Diastolic pressure VERY low
Cardiogenic shock
Heart can’t pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs
Neurogenic shock
When the CNS gets damaged and the heart does not get the signals it needs to pump out enough blood.