Chapter 13 Flashcards
Which step begins organizational change by going to where the hurt is
What are the three stages of the change process proposed by renowned social psychologist Kurt Lewin
Un freezing, changing, and refreezing
Uncertainty, self interest, different perceptions, and overdetermination are the four most common forms of
resistance to change
Education and communication, participation and involvement, facilitation and support, negotiation and agreement, and Coercion are five proven methods that
leaders employ to reduce and manage resistance to change
Who must evaluate results, reinforce desired outcomes, and make constructive modifications as needed and change process
The change agent
What is critical if teams are to combine diverse backgrounds, skills, and approaches to meet the challenges, customer requirements, and mission changes
What breeds shared ownership for performance results and achieving objectives increases team pride and helping team spirit
What hinders the cooperative process while some team members attempt to outshine others to gain extra attention
What is a service wide initiative to focus all Airmen toward establishing culture of continuous improvement
What is the core of the Air Force continuous process improvement effort
8 step structured problem-solving model or OODA loop
What does OODA stand for
Observe, Orient, Decide and Act
Clarify and Validate the problem and break down the problem are two steps of what part of the OODA loop
Set improvement targets and determine root causes are steps of what part of the OODA loop
Develop countermeasures is the only step in what part of the OODA loop
Seeing countermeasures through, confirming results and processes and standardize successful processes are all steps of what part of the OODA loop
What is the first step to an effective solution
A good problem statement
Strategic alignment and deployment(SA&D); suppliers, input, process, output, and customers (SIPOC)analysis; voice of the customer (VOC); value stream mapping (VSM); go and see are all tools that the Air Force leader can use for what
Deciding which problems should be tackled
Performance gap analysis and bottleneck analysis are two different lean tools they can help you understand what
What data you need and the story it is trying to tell
Future state mapping and B-SMART target tools are used for what
Setting improvement targets
What does the acronym B-SMART stand for
Balanced, specific, measurable, attainable, results focused, and timely
The five why’s, brainstorming, Pareto analysis, affinity diagrams, cause-and-effect diagrams, control charts are all methods of determining what
The root cause for change
Which CPI method best fits my situation? what is the best setting to implement my solution? What process improvement tools are most appropriate? Are the three questions a leader must ask before what
Before taking action
This process improvement involves one person and can be accomplished in less than a day
Just do it
This improvement process consists of a small team of individuals usually subject matter experts and can be accomplished in less than a week
Rapid improvement event