Chapter 13 Flashcards
Karen Horney
As you cannot force an acorn to grow into an oak tree, you cannot force a child to grow into a healthy productive adult. However, the acorn given the initial nurture then enduring the buffets of nature will eventually grow naturally into a mighty oak. The same is true of children: Given a nurturing environment and over the course of development a pattern of healthy friction, the child will eventually grow toward self-realization.
unique and relatively stable ways in which people think, feel, and behave
Old definitions included: “consistent through time and stable across situations” This phrase has been dropped for good reason!
The Psychoanalytic perspective
Sigmund Freud (#3) (1856 – 1939)
- Freud was founder of psychoanalytic movement
- Europe during the Victorian Age and sexual repression
– Men supposedly unable to control their “animal” desires; a good Victorian husband would father several children with his wife and then turn to a mistress for sexual comfort, leaving his virtuous wife untouched
– Women were not supposed to have sexual urges
The theory of homeostasis and the pleasure principle
balance out tensions to result in pleasure
pushing threatening or conflicting events or situations out of conscious memory
setting aside threatening or conflicting events or situations to be dealt with later
refusal to recognize an undersired reality
eventually believe denial and think reality-what cost?
stating an acceptable reason for behavior but not the real one
placing own unacceptable thoughts into others as the thoughts belonged to them and not ourselves
expressing feelings that would be threatening if directed at the real target onto a less threatening substitute target
turning socially unacceptable urges into socially acceptable behavior
channeling unwanted or unacceptable urges into an admissible or productive outlet
- a reservoir of powerful sexual and aggressive urges seeking release
- raw, primal, pressured, twisted, tortured coagulation of unacceptable subconscious sexual and aggressive urges
- driving force of human personality
- more powerful when repressing trauma rather than processing it in a healthy manner
- ego places a lid on unacceptable urges of ID so we appear acceptable to those around us
- the conscious part of the personality
- makes choices and decisions
the ego knows socially acceptable behavior - jim carrey’s liar liar shows effect of no ego
Super ego
- the conscience, internal guide to behavior
- develops ages 3-7 and continues to adapt
- have subconscious and conscious influence
erik erickson
psychosexual stages- psychosocial stages of development
1. 0-1, attachment
2. 1-3, independence
3. 3-7, internalizing moral values
4. 7-puberty, industry & inferiority
5. pub-20s, identity
6. 20s, intimacy
7a. 20s-60s, productivity v futility
7b. 60s-80s, generativity v stagnation
8. final years, integrity v despair