Chapter 1 Flashcards
Study of behavior and mental processes (140 years old)
Experiences can be broken down into emotions and sensations
Wilhelm Wundt: objective introspection- objectively examining thoughts and mental activities
Edward Titchener: brought it to America
Margaret Washburn: first female to earn PhD in psych
How mind functions to survive
William James
Gestalt psych
“An organized whole” - look at whole not just parts; seek patterns in info
Max wertheimer
Behavior w/ no physical cause
Sigmund Freud: unconscious mind, repressed trauma, childhood experiences affect adult behavior; driven by sexual and aggressive urges that are modified by experiences
Study of observable behavior; we are as we are conditioned
Ivan Pavlov: dogs salivating to bell; response can be condition by a new stimulus b/c we learn by association
John Watson: phobias can be learned; “little Albert”
Mary cover jones: reverse conditioning
Seven modern perspectives
Psychodynamic, behavioral, humanistic, cognitive, sociocultural, biopsychological, evolutionary
Psychodynamic perspective
We are as our instincts (modified by experiences) drive us
Freud: sense of self and motivation
We are as we are conditioned by association, rewards, and punishments
Operant conditioning: we are conditioned by our consequences
Ivan Pavlov, John Watson, B. F. Skinner
We are the consequence of our choices and aspirations
Freedom of choice, responsibility and self-actualization
Carl Rodgers and Abraham Maslow
We are the product of our thought processes
We are as we construe the world
Progress when mind developed and body matures allows for such behaviors
Jean Piaget (#2) and George Kelly
We are as our surrounding social and cultural environments dictate
Walter Mitchell and Philip zimbardo: Stanford prison experiment
We are as our physiology determines
Brain, nervous system and neurotransmitter effect behavior
We are a product of our ancestral past
We have characteristics that are universally shared with all humans
Charles Darwin (natural selection)
MA or PhD in psychology
MD that can prescribe drugs
Psychiatric Social Worker
Social worker with therapy methods that focuses on environmental impacts on people’s lives
Basic research
Form theories about behavior
Bystander effect, attribution theory, frustration-aggression hypothesis
Applied research
Immediate application of research/findings
Enhance learning awing COVID, increase productivity at work, enhance relational satisfaction w/ married couples
Basic and applied research
A good theory can be applied in many different settings
Kurt lewis: “nothing so practical as a good theory”
Where psychologists work
Academic/medical school
School psychologist
Critical thinking
Make reasoned judgements about claims
Function to understand objective reality
Most “truths” need to be subjective to testing
“Love is blind” and “opposites attract”
Only few don’t need testing (astrology)
Evidence is not all equal in quality
Analyze samples to draw conclusions
Simple random sample: all members equally likely to be selected
Stratified random sampling: poIling in presidential election