Chapter 11 Terms Flashcards
central route
according to ELM, this route describes how individuals should make strong, detailed arguments when trying to persuade highly involved audiences
a figure that graphically illustrates relationships between individual parts
design template
a pre-existing template included in presentation software that unifies the color, scheme, graphics, and structure of a set of slides
dual coding
a theory advanced by Allan Paivio and his colleagues that explains how humans cognitively process the simultaneous presentation of visual and verbal stimuli
elaboration likelihood model (ELM)
a theory posited by Richard Petty and John Cacioppo that explains how individuals vary messages based upon the level of involvement of the listener or audience
fair use
part of the US copyright act; provides guidelines for the limited use of copyrighted materials in the case of teach, research, and scholarship
visual representations of relative quantities such as statistics
group items
a technique found in the draw menu that allows the presenter to link two objects together so they appear on a single animation
high contrast
a situation where combinations of light and dark colors are used such that the eyes can clearly see the distinctions
LCD projection system
liquid crystal diode; a projection system designed to project images stored on a computer
missed timing
an animation problem that occurs when an image is animated and it is the last item on the slide; presenters frequently forget about it and when they are transitioning realize they have an out-of-place image
moving effects
a type of animation where text or graphics physically move as they appear on the screen
numerical clarifier
a chart or graph used to simplify and explain numerical concepts
here, objects are broadly defined as graphic elements useful to add interest to text; including auto shapes, boxes, circles, and lines
on-slide animation
a type of animation that controls how objects appear and disappear on slides
a type of animation problem that occurs when a presenter hits the click button too many times and has to go back
peripheral route
according to ELM, this route describes how individuals should focus on credibility, likability, and attractiveness when trying to persuade uninvolved audiences
remote mouse
hand-held pointing devise
sans serif
lacks hooks or feet; most desirable for projection
has hooks or feet; use sparingly during presentations
slide master
a powerpoint feature that allows a presenter to make individual changes that will apply to every slide
slide transitions
a type of animation that controls how one slide is changed and a new one appears
stationary effects
a type of animations where the text or graphic does not move around on the screen when it appears
visual aid
objects, visual representations, and numerical clarifiers used to supplement a verbal message
word art
allows you to type text and apply color and shape