chapter 11 part 1 Flashcards
what is personality
characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, & acting
a set of characteristics
consistent across time
consistent across situations
distinguishes individuals from each other
overview of theories & explanations
- psychoanalytic (freud)
- humanistic (rogers & maslow)
- trait theory (eysenck, the big 5)
- social-cognitive (bandura)
freud on consciousness
conscious mind: normal awareness
preconscious mind: easily brought to consciousness
unconscious mind: hidden thoughts & desires
what is the part of the mind that we cannot access according the freud?
the unconscious mind
freud’s structural model
the id “i want to do that now!”
-seen at birth
-home to sexual & aggressive drive
-governed by pleasure principle
-what we want
superego “its not right, dont do it!”
-develops in childhood
-home to morality & conscience
-governed by the ego ideal
the ego “maybe we can make a compromise”
-develops in childhood (before superego)
-acts as a referee between id & superego
what of freud’s structural model develops first?
then ego
then superego
which one of freud’s theory of structural model is governed by guilt?
freud: personality development
-we must pass through psychosexual stages successfully (each stage focuses on how we receive pleasue)
what does failure to pass each stage of personality development lead to?
-in times of stress, we regress to that stage
what are unconscious attempts to silence the id called?
defense mechanisms
types of defense mechanisms (freud)
reaction formation
what are defense mechanisms
reduce/redirect anxiety by distorting reality
pushing events down so deep that you don’t even remember it anymore
what type of defense mechanism does this portray, “elsie, who was abused as a child, cannot remember the abuse at all”
refusing to believe something unpleasant has occurred
-we refuse to accept horrible news, even with evidence to the contrary
what type of defense mechanism is this:
an alcoholic refuses to acknowledge that he is addicted to alcohol
rationalization (justification)
justifying your bad behavior
-creating false but plausible excuses to justify unacceptable behavior
what type of defense mechanism is this: a student stealing money from a wealthy friend of his, telling himself : well he is rich, he can afford to lose it.”
you take out your anger & frustration on a person or object not the actual target of your anger
what type of defense mechanism is this:
boss shouts at jane, when she gets home, she gets angry at her husband
an angry man might accuse others of being hostile
a con-artist might be under the impression that everyone else is trying to con him or her
reaction formation
act opposite of what you think or feel
what type of defense mechanism is this: woman who never wants to have children becomes a supermom
person who despises the boss tellls everyone what a great boss he is
reaction formation
negative thoughts and impulses being channeled into socially acceptable behavior
return under stress, to behavior indicate of earlier development stage
what type of defense mechanism is this:
due to pressure of college, tom starts sucking his thumb
projection test
includes rorschach & thematic apperception test (tat)
-there are concerns about vailidity & reliability
the people who had a different view that freud
alfred adler & karen horney
what are the views that adler & horney had
childhood important
-not sexual, but social
-adler: inferiority complex, much of behavior is driven by desire to overcome inferiority experienced in childhood
honey: childhood anxiety triggers desire for love & security
what are the psychosexual stages
oral- mouth (0-18)
anal (18-36)
phallic - genitals (3-6)
latency- dormant sexual feelings (6-puberty)
genital- mature sexual interests (puberty- on)