chapter 10 part 1 Flashcards
antonomic nervous system
-sympathetic (fight or flight)
-parasympathetic (rest or digest)
popular ideas of how emotions work
stimulus to emotion to arousal
theory of emotions (james-lange theory)
stimulis to arousal to emotion
theories of emtion (cannon-bard theory_
stimulus -> ANS arousal + emotion -> emotion (occur simultaneously)
theories of emotion (schachter’s two-factor theory)
stimulus -> arousal + cognitive label = emotion
schachter & singer experiment; the spill over effect
the tendency of one person’s emotion to affect how other people around them feel
zajonc’s (& LeDoux’s) 2 rules
“Low-road” bypass cortex
-(simple likes, fears)
high-road through cortex
-more complex emotions (hatred,love)
lazarus (thoughts must be before emotion)
-even immdeiate emotion requires some cognitive appraisal
-more to write
paul ekman
six basic emotions
carroll Izard
-distint emotions appear within the first months of life
physiology of emotion
-physical response
—sympathetic (SNS) & parasympathetic
is there a similar reaction in the body of fear and laughter?
when do you perform best?
at moderate arousal
influence of perceived emotion expression
direct eye-gazing study
-staring into eyes (even as strangers), fosters positive feelings toward person
morphed emotion faces
-50% fear & 50% anger morphing
-abused children more likely to perceive anger
direct eye-gazing study
stating into eyes of someone and positive feelings are fostered towards to person
emotion in gender (female & male)
-greater non-verbal sensitivity
-empathy (salty lemonade experiment)
-greater verbal sensitivity
-the anger emotion bias (we typically see the anger emotion in men, so we choose them out of a picture as the angry one)
detecting & computing emotion
-basic emotions are universally detected
-high-tech detection
—skilled lie catcher
—people cannot easily detect unless trained
-emails, cell phones, social media (emojis)
-facebook options (different reaction/emojis)