Chapter 11 - Micronutrients Flashcards
Two types of micronutrients
Calories (vitamins and minerals)
Vitamins are noncaloric
Vitamins are
organic - contain element carbon
Minerals are
inorganic - no carbon
Sources of vitamins
Both plant and animal food sources
How are vitamins gouped?
By solubility (some disolve in water, others in fat)
Water-soluble vitamins
Vitamin C
B vitamins = thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid (folate), vitamin B-12 (cobalamin), vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), biotin, and pantothenic acid
excreted in urine - toxicity is hard
not stored in body
Fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamins A (retinol), D, E, and K
Store it - limited capacity to excrete
Vitamin A = most common deficiency
Minerals are product of
cosmological processes
Plants and animals pick them up
Divalent cation
An ion with a double positive charge
Ex. iron, clacium, zinc, and copper
The degree to which a nutrient is absorbed in digestion
Phytic acid (phytates)
Phosphorous compound found in some plant foods which will reduce mineral bioavailability
Oxalic acid
A compound found in some fruits and vegetables that reduces calcium absorption
Reduce iron absorption
found in tea
increases the solubility of minerals
Presence of MFP factor (Meat-Fish-Poultry)
increases the absorption of plant forms of iron dramatically
Major minerals
Components of bone (calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium)
Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, and chloride)
*Concentrations up to 1100 grams*
Trace minerals
Iron, copper, zinc, iodine, selenium, and others
are components of enzymes
components of hormones
Most common mineral difficiency
present in structure of nearly 100 enzymes
involved in cell replication and cell division
Ex. would healing,growth, strength gains
Excess amounts = diminish the immune response
An iron containing protein found in muscle cells
Moves oxygen into the cell
Ability to move electrons between atoms
involved in the development of the myelin sheath and of neurotransmitters
Enzymes with iron, zinc, or other metals as part of their structure
A cancer-causing compound
detoxified by iron
binds to the enzyme to activate it
ex. iron
Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin)
produce and maintain the myelin sheath
Activates folate, and folate activates it
Deficiency of B-12
low intake of B-12
low intake of folate
failure to produce instrinsic factor
Results: severe neurological problems, numbness, paralysis
intrinsic factor
A substance secreted by the stomach needed for the absorption of vitamin B-12
Folate is necessary for
Development of spinal column during pregnancy
Spina bifida
A neural tube defect that can be characterized by problems in gait and mental retardation
*result of a low intake of folate*
Folate is also necessary for what
DNA synthesis
Deficiency - halt cell growth
the addition of a nutrient to a food
Major positively-charged intracellular ion
critical in the conduction of nerve impulses
*can cause cardiac arrhythmia*
result of binging or sweating too much
Exchanged with potassium to trigger muscle contraction
defiency: decrease performance capability and may cause muscle cramping
Enhances the ability of insuline to bind to its receptor on the cell membrane
helps move glucose and amino acids into the cell
promotes synthesis and glycogen repletion
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)
Necessary for the synthesis of non-essential amino acids
needed for neurotransmitter synthesis
defiency: neurological symptoms
Vitamin C
Acts as a cofactor, along with iroin, in the synthesis of collagen
a protein making up connective tissue
A disease caused by a defiency of vitamin C
free radical
An atom containing an unpaired electron in its outer shell, and making it very reactive
An unpaired electron in the outer shell of a free radical
The process of cancer develoment
result of free radical damage to DNA
A vitamin precursor
Used to prevent oxidative damage by reacting with free radicals
Vitamin C and free radicals
Donates electrons to free radicals
Deficiency of Vitamin E
Breakdown of red blood cells not protected against oxidative damage, called hemolysis
Most important job of Vitamin A
Defiency of Vitamin A
night blindness
A chemical compound that can be readily made by the body into another compound
*Beta-carotene is a precursor to Vitamin A*
The process by which stem cells mature into specialized organ cells
Vitamin A is necessary for cell differentiation
red blood cells
A condition of having an insufficient number of red blood cells, resulting in a reduction of oxygen transport capacity and thus an inability to produce enough energy for the body
Folate is necessary for what?
DNA synthesis
Macrocytic anemia
Folate deficiency anemia characterized by very large red blood cells
Folate deficiency anemia characterized by very large red blood cells
Pernicious anemia
Vitamin B-12 deficiency anemia
Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine) is necessary for what
The synthesis of hemoglobin
Storage protein for iron
Transport protein for iron
Vitamin K is important for what?
blood clotting
A blood clotting factor
Vitamin K is a coenzyme in the synthesis of this
A substance, often a vitamin, that activates an enzyme
Niacin deficiency disease
Disease caused by deficiency of thiamin
Thyroid hormone
Regulates metabolism
Iodine is a component of it
An enlargement of the thyroid gland seen in iron deficiency
Compound of calcium and phosphorous that makes up bone
Epiphyseal plates
Sites of active growth in the bone
The continual process of bone formation and resorption
Cells that form bone, laying down protein matrix and mineral
Cells that break down bone and release mineral into the bloodstream
Uptake of calcium from bone
Hormone from the thyroid gland that lowers blood calcium
Parathyroid hormone
Hormone from the parathyroid gland that raises blood levels of calcium
Bone deformation in growing children caused by vitamin D deficiency
Defiency disease in adults caused by vitamin D defiency
A protein involved in bone turnover, formed by vitamin K
A chronic disease usually seen in the elderly resulitng in porous, weakend bone prone to fracture
Whole food
A form in its natural state, as it came from farm, field, or other source, and still resembles that source
Fortified food
A food with added nutrients
The nutrients are not naturally present in the food
Nutrient obtained in purified and concentrated form, and consume as a pill or drink
The active form of vitamin A
a group of chemicals where some are precursors of retinol
ex. beta-carotene
common plant precursor of retinol