Chapter 11 Flashcards
Mental quality consisting of the ability to learn from experience, solve problems and use knowledge to adapt to new situations
Viewing an abstract, immaterial concepts as concrete
Factor Analysis
Statistical procedure identifying clusters of related items or factors on a test - different dimensions of a performance underlies total score
Charles Spearman
General intelligence theory
Developed factor analysis
General Intelligence
According to Spearman and others it is a factor underlying specific mental abilities and is therefore measured by every task on an intelligence test
L.L. Thurstone
Identified 7 clusters of primary mental abilities such as word fluidity, verbal comprehension, spatial ability, perceptual speed, numerical ability, inductive reasoning, and memory
Howard Gardner
Supported Thurstone’s idea that intelligence comes in multiple forms
Brain damage may diminish one type of ability but not others (8 multiple intelligence)
Savant Syndrome
A condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability has an exceptional specific skill, such as computation or drawing
Robert Sternberg
Triarchic theory (analytical (academic problem-solving) intelligence, creative intelligence, and practical intelligence)
Emotional Intelligence
The ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions
The ability to produce novel and valuable ideas
Intelligence Tests
A method for assessing an individual’s mental aptitudes and comparing them with those of others, using numerical scores
Alfred Binet
Predicting school achievement; mental age, supported environmental explanation of intelligence
Supported Nurture
Mental Age
Measure of intelligence test performance devised by Binet; the chronological age that most typically corresponds to a given level of performance
Lewis Terman
The innate IQ, revised Binet’s original IQ test by establishing new age norms and extending the upper end of the test’s range from teenagers to “superior adults” revision called Stanford-Binet
Supported nature