Chapter 10 Flashcards
the ability to learn from experience, solve problems, and use knowledge to adapt to new situations
general inteligence (g)
according to Spearman and others: general inteligence underlies all mental abilities and is therefor measure by every task on an intelegence test
fluid inteligence (Gf)
our ability to reason quickely and abstractly. tends to decrease with age, espeshaly during late adulthood
crystallized inteligence (Gc)
our accumulated knowledge and verbal skills. tends to increase with age.
cattell-horn-caroll (CHC) theory
theory that our intelligence is based on g as well as specific abilities, bridged by Gf and Gc
savant syndrome
a condition in which a person otherwise limited in mental ability, has an exceptional skill such as computing, drawing, or being able to name the day of the week for any historical event.
sternberg’s three intelligences
analytical (academic problem solving), creative intelegence, practical inteligence
emotional intelligence
the ability to percieve, understand, manage, and use emotions
inteligence test
a method for assessing an individual’s mental aptitudes and comparing them with those of others using newmerical scores
acheivement test
test designed to assess what a person has learned
aptitude test
test designed to predict a person’s future performance.
aptitude = capacity to learn
mental age
a measure of inteligence test performance devised by Binet. the level of performance typically associated with children of a certain chronological age
standford-binet test
the widely used american version (by Terman at stanford) of Binet’s original inteligence test
intelligence quotient (IQ)
defined originally as the ratio of mental age to chronological age multiplied by 100. on contemporary inteligence tests, the average performance for a given age is 100
Wechsler adult inteligence scale (WAIS)
the WAIS and its companion versions for children are the most widely used intelligence tests. they contain verbal and performance (non-verbal) tests