chap 6 key terms Flashcards
aqeuous solution
Aqueous solution- When chemical species has been dissolved in water, the resulting solution is said to be aqueous. This can be shown by writing ‘(aq)’ after the name or symbol of the chemical.
Chromatogram- The output of a chromatography procedure. In TLC and paper chromatography, it is the pattern of bands or spots formed on a plate or on the paper. In HPLC, it I the graph produced.
Chromatography- A technique for separating the components of a mixture. The components are carried by a mobile phase over the absorbent surface of the stationary phase.
Components- the chemicals in a mixture. The components can be separated by chromatography.
Desorption- The breaking of the attraction between a substance and the surface to which the substance is absorbed.
dispersion forces
Dispersion forces- The force of attraction between molecules due to temporary dipoles induced in the molecules. The temporary dipoles are the result of random fluctuations in the electron density.
Dissociation- A process in which molecules or ionic compounds separate or split into smaller particles such as atoms or ions. Examples of dissociation reactions include the solution of NaCl solid in water, forming Na+(aq) and Cl-(aq) ions, and the reaction of HCl gas with water, forming H+(aq) and Cl-(aq).
Dissolution- The process of dissolving a solute in a solvent to form a solution.
Homogeneous- Uniform. The components of a homogenous substance, e.g. a solution is homogeneous because the solute and the solvent cannot be distinguished from each other.
Hydrated- An ion surrounded by water molecules. Hydrated ions can be found in aqueous solutions or crystalline solids.
hydrogen bonds
Hydrogen bonds- A type of intermolecular, dipole-dipole force where a hydrogen atoms is covalently bonded to a highly electronegative atom such as oxygen, nitrogen or fluorine. Due to the disparity of the electronegativity values between the atoms involved, the hydrogen develops a partial positive charge and bonds to lone pairs of electrons on neighbouring atoms of oxygen, nitrogen or fluorine.
Immiscible- Two liquids are immiscible if they cannot be mixed without separating from each other.
ion-dipole attractions
Ion-dipole attractions- The attraction that forms between dissociated ions and polar water molecules when an ionic solid dissolves in water.
Ionisation- (i) the removal of one or more electrons from an atom or ion; (ii) the reaction of a molecular substance with a solvent to form ions in solution.
Miscible- Liquids that can be mixed ion any ration to form a homogeneous solution.
mobile phase
Mobile phase- The phase that moves over the stationary phase in a chromatographic separation.
Non-polar- Bonds or molecules that do not have a permanent dipole. They have an even distribution of charge.
Origin- The point at which a small spot of a mixture is placed so that is can be separated by paper or thin-layer chromatography.
paper chromatography
Paper chromatography- An analytical technique for separating and identifying mixtures that uses paper as the stationary phase.
Polar- Bonds or molecules with a permanent dipole. They have an uneven distribution of charge.
Purity- In chemical terms, a material is pure if it only contains a single substance, without any other substances present.
qualitative analysis
Qualitative analysis- An analysis to determine the identity of the chemical(s) present in a substance.
quantitative analysis
Quantitative analysis- An analysis to determine the concentration of the chemicals present in a mixture.
retardation factor
Retardation factor (Rf)- The ratio of the distance a component has moved from the origin to the distance the solvent has oved from the origin.
a substance that dissolves in a solvent
Solution- A homogeneous mixture of a solute dissolves in a solvent.
Solvent- A substance, usually a liquid, which is able to dissolve a solute to form a solution. Water is a very good solvent.
Standards- Standards are materials with an identity and concentration that are precisely known. A standard can provide a reference that can be used to calibrate analytical instruments or determine unknown concentrations.
stationary phase
Stationary phase- A solid, or a solid that is coated in a viscous liquid, used in chromatography. The components of a mixture undergo absorption to this phase as they are carried along by the mobile phase.
thin-layer chromatography
Thin-layer Chromatography- An analytical technique for separating and identifying mixtures; it uses a thin layer of fine powder spread on a glass or plastic plate as the stationary phase.