chap 3 key terms Flashcards
o Allotrope- Different forms of the same element in which the atoms combine in different ways.
o Amorphous- A structure that has no consistent arrangement of particles.
asymmetrical molecule
o Asymmetrical molecule- A molecule in which the polar bonds are unevenly (or asymmetrically) distributed. The bond dipoles do not cancel and an overall molecular dipole is created.
o Combustion- A rapid reaction with oxygen accompanied by the release of large amounts of heat: also called burning.
covalent bond
o Covalent bond- The force of attraction formed when one or more pairs of electrons are shared between two nuclei.
covalent lattice
o Covalent lattice- A 3D lattice structure formed from covalently bonded non-metal atoms.
covalent network lattice
o Covalent network lattice- An arrangement of atoms in a lattice in which there are strong covalent bonds between the atoms in all three dimensions.
covalent layer lattice
o Covalent layer lattice- an arrangement of atoms in a lattice in which there are strong covalent bonds that have formed in a layer.
o Diamond- A form of pure carbon that is the hardest naturally occurring substance.
diatomic molecule
o Diatomic molecule- A molecule formed from two atoms only, e.g. Cl2.
o Dipole- The separation of positive and negative charges in a molecule.
dipole-dipole attraction
o Dipole-dipole attraction- A form of intermolecular force that occurs between polar molecules where the partially positively charged end of one molecule is attracted to the partially negatively charged end of another molecule.
dispersion force
o Dispersion force- the force of attraction between molecules due to temporary dipoles induced in the molecules. The temporary dipoles are the result of random fluctuations in the electron density.
double covalent bond
o Double covalent bond- A covalent bond in which four electrons (two electron pairs) are shared.
electron density
o Electron density- The concentration of electrons that usually refer to the regions around an atom or molecule.
electron group
o Electron group- A region of negative charge around an atom, which could be either different types of covalent bonds or a non-bonding pair.
o Electronegativity- The ability of an atom to attract electrons in a covalent bond towards itself.
o Graphite- A form of carbon in which the carbon atom are arranged in layers.
hydrogen bond
o Hydrogen bond- A type of intermolecular, dipole-dipole force where a hydrogen atom is covalently bonded to a highly electronegative atom such as oxygen, nitrogen or fluorine. Due to the disparity of electronegativity values between the atoms involved, the hydrogen develops a partial positive charge and bonds to lone pairs of electrons on neighbouring atoms of oxygen, nitrogen or fluorine.
instantaneous dipole
o Instantaneous dipole- A net dipole formed in a molecule due to temporary fluctuations in the electron density in the molecule.
intermolecular force
o Intermolecular force- an electrostatic force of attraction between molecules, including dipole-dipole forces, hydrogen bonds and dispersion forces.
intramolecular force
o Intramolecular bond- a force that holds the atoms within a molecule together
Lewis structur
o Lewis structure- electron dot structure.
molecular formula
o Molecular formula- A formula of a compound that gives the actual number and type of atoms present in a molecule. It may be the same as or different from the empirical formula.
o Molecule- A group of two or more atoms covalently bonded together, and representing the smallest fundamental unit of a chemical compound.
non-bonding electron
o Non-bonding electron- An outer-shell electron that isn’t shared between atoms.
non-polar bonds
o Non-polar bonds or molecules that don’t have a permanent dipole. They have an even distribution of charge.
permanent dipole
o Permanent dipole- A net dipole formed in a molecule to permanent differences in electron density due to electronegativity differences between atoms and overall asymmetry in the molecule.
o Polar- bonds or molecules with a permanent dipole. They have an uneven distribution of charge.
o Polarity- The measure of how polar a molecule or bond is. The difference in charge between the positive and negative ends of an electric dipole. The difference in charge between the positive and negative ends of a polar molecule or covalent bond.
polyatomic molecule
o Polyatomic molecule- a molecule that consists of more than two types of atoms, e.g. H2O
o Pyramidal- A molecular shape formed when there are four electron groups and one non-bonding pair around a central atom.
o Sublimation- The process by which a substance goes directly from the solid phase to the gaseous phase, without passing through a liquid phase.
single covalent bond
o Single covalent bond- A covalent bond in which two electrons are shared between two nuclei. It is depicted in a valence structure as a line between the two atoms involved.
structural formula
o Structural formula- A formula that represents the 2D arrangement of atoms in a molecule and shows all bonds, as well as all atoms.
symmetrical molecule
o Symmetrical molecule- A molecule in which the polar bonds are evenly distributed. The bond dipoles cancel out and do not create an overall molecular dipole.
temporary dipole
o Temporary dipole- A net dipole formed in a molecule due to temporary fluctuations in the electron density in the molecule.
o Tetrahedral- The shape of a molecule with a central atom surrounded by four other atoms. The bond angle between two outer atoms and the central atom is 109.5O.
trigonal planar
o Trigonal planar- A molecular shape formed when there are 3 electron groups and no non-bonding pairs around a central atom.
triple covalent bond
o Triple covalent bond- A covalent bond in which six electrons are shared between two nuclei. It is depicted in a valence structure as 3 lines between the 2 atoms involved.
Valence shell electron pair electron (VSEPR) theory
o Valence shell electron pair electron (VSEPR) theory- a model used to predict the shape of molecules. The basis of VSEPR is that the valence electron pairs surrounding an atom mutually repel each other, and therefore adopt an arrangement that minimises this repulsion, thus determining the molecular shape.