chap 2 key terms Flashcards
Alkali Metals
A group 1 metal- Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs and Fr.
Atom- The basic building block of matter. Made up of subatomic particles- protons, neutrons and electrons.
Atomic number
Atomic number- The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom; identical to the charge number of the nucleus; symbol Z.
Atomic radius
Atomic radius- a measurement used for the size of atoms; the distance from nucleus to outermost electrons.
Atomic theory of matter
o Atomic theory of matter- a theory proposed by John Dalton in 1802 which states that all matter is made up of atoms. He stated that atoms are indivisible, atoms of the same element are identical and compounds ae made up of different types of atoms in fixed ratios.
block (periodic table)
o Block (periodic table)- One of 4 main parts of the periodic table where elements have the same highest energy subshell filled, i.e. s, p, d or f subshell,
Bohr model
o Block (periodic table)- One of 4 main parts of the periodic table where elements have the same highest energy subshell filled, i.e. s, p, d or f subshell,
Chemical symbol
o Chemical symbol- symbolic representation of an element, usually one or two letters, where the first letter is capitalized and the second letter is lower case, e.g. carbons symbol is C and sodium’s symbol is Na.
o Compound- A pure substance made up of different types of atoms combined in a fixed ratio.
Condensed electronic configuration
o Condensed electronic configuration- A shortened way of writing electronic configuration by using the noble gas before the element.
Conflict element
o Conflict element- elements mined in areas of war and conflict, which makes their use unsustainable.
Critical element
o Critical element- Element heavily relied on by industry and society, which faces some form of supply uncertainty.
effective nuclear charge
o Effective nuclear charge- The net positive charge experienced by an electron in an outer shell of an atom. Indicated the attractive force felt by the valence electrons towards the nucleus.
o Electron- A negatively charged, subatomic particle that occupies the region around the nucleus of an atom.
electronic configuration
o Electronic configuration- In the shell model of an atom, the electronic configuration is a means of representing the number of electrons in each shell.
electron shell
o Electron shell- In the shell model of an atom, an electron shell is the fixed energy level that corresponds to a circular orbit of the electrons. In the Schrodinger model, a shell contains subshells and orbitals of equal or similar energy.
o Electronegativity- The ability of an atom to attract electrons in a covalent bond towards itself.
electrostatic attraction
o Electrostatic attraction- The force of attraction between a positively charged particle and a negatively charged particle.
o Element- a substance made up of atoms with the same atomic number.
emission spectrum
o Emission spectrum- a spectrum produced when an element is excited by heat or radiation. It appears as distinct lines characteristic of the element.
endangered element
o Endangered element- element at risk of depletion on Earth, as natural deposits are used up.
energy level
o Energy level- One of the different shells of an atom in which an electron can be found.
excited state
o Excited State- Describes an atom in which electrons occupy higher energy levels than the lowest possible energy levels.
first ionization energy
o First ionisation energy- The energy required to remove one electron from an atom of an element in the gas phase.
flame test
o Flame test- A test for the presence of certain metals or metal ions. When burnt in a flame, certain metals and metal ions produce characteristic colours.
ground state
o Ground state- A term used to describe an atom in which the electrons occupy the lowest possible energy levels.
group (periodic table)
o Group (periodic table)- a vertical column of elements in the periodic table.
a group 17 element
o Ion- A positively or negatively charged atom or group of atoms.
o Isotope- each of two or more forms of the same element that contain equal numbers of protons but different numbers of neutrons in their nuclei.
main group element
o Main group element- An element in groups 1,2 or 13-18 in the periodic table.
mass number
o Mass number- The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
o Matter- Anything that has mass and occupies space.
o Metalloid- An element that displays both metallic and non-metallic properties.
o Model- A description that scientists use to represent the important features of what they are trying to describe.
o Neutron- An uncharged subatomic particle found in the nucleus of an atom.
noble gas
o Noble gas- An unreactive gaseous element in group 18 of the periodic table. With the exception of helium, noble gases have eight electrons in their outer shells.
o Nucleon- A particle that makes up the nucleus of an atom, e.g. protons and neutrons.
o Nucleus- The positively charged core at the centre of an atom, consisting of protons and neutrons.
nuclide notation
o Nuclide notation- A way of representing an atom using the element symbol, atomic number (Z) and mass number (A).
o Orbital- In the Schrodinger model, an orbital is a component of a subshell. It is a region of space in which electrons move. Each orbital holds two electrons.
o Period- Horizontal row of elements in the periodic table. The start of a new period corresponds to the outer electron of that element beginning a new shell.
periodic law
o Periodic law- The way properties of elements vary periodically with their atomic number.
periodic table
o Periodic table- A table that organizes the elements by grouping them according to their electronic configuration.
o Periodicity- The periodic pattern of properties of the elements.
o Quantised- In specific quantities or chunks.
quantum mechanics
o Quantum mechanics- A branch of science that describes the behaviour of extremely small particles such as electrons.
o Radioactive- Spontaneously undergoing nuclear decay to produce radiation such as beta particles, alpha particles and gamma rays.
Schrodinger model
o Schrodinger model- A model for the behaviour of electrons in atoms. It describes electrons as having wave-like properties.
o Subshell- A component of a shell in the Schrodinger model, made up or orbitals. Each subshell can be regarded as an energy level that electrons can occupy.
transition metal
o Transition metal- An element in groups 3-12 of the periodic table.
valence electrons
o Valence electrons- An electron found in the valence shell; an outermost electron in an atom or ion.
valence shell
o Valence shell- The highest energy shell (outer shell) of an atom that contains electrons
Subatomic particle
o Subatomic particle- a particle that makes up an atom- protons, neutrons and electrons