Chap 21 Flashcards
Membrane and Enzyme Defect Anemias
Treatment of Hereditary Spherocytosis?
Mild cases require no treatment usually.
Severe cases require regular transfusions.
Moderate-Severe Splenectomy, corrects anemia but membrane defect remains.
What can be said of the prognosis for people W/ Hereditary Elliptocytosis?
Severity of anemia dictates prognosis and treatment options.
Hereditary Spherocytosis (HS)
Defect in Ankyrin and Spectrin
Fragile Spherocytic RBCs
HS Clinical findings?
Varies in severity
Compensated Hemolytic Disease
Anemia varies W/ severity
Cholelithiasis (pigment bile stones, from increased Bilirubin breakdown).
Mild Anemia
MCV usually normal (77-87 fL)
MCH Normal
MCHC > 36% (only condition MCHC is truly increased).
RDW increased
HS RBC Morph?
Varying Polychromasia
Normoblastic Erythroid hyperplasia
Increased Iron storage
Hs Chemistry
Increased: Bilirubin, Fecal Urobilinogen, LD/LDH
Decreased: Haptoglobin
Immunohematology of HS?
DAT negative
Diagnostic tests for HS?
Osmotic Fragility Increased
Auto-hemolysis test
RBCs incubated @ 37 Celcius for 48hrs
Degree of hemolysis increased
when spherocytes present.
RBC Membrane Studies- Membrane proteins analyzed W/ gel electrophoresis.
Post-Splenectomy PB in HS?
Increased Poik
Increased Inclusions
Increased PLTs
Osmotic Fragility
Measures RBC’s resistance to osmotic stress.
Normal, HE, HA: 0.30-0.45%
HS: 0.55-0.75 (Increased Fragility)
Hgb S & C Disorders, Thalas: 0.25-0.35 (Decreased fragility)
Hereditary Elliptocytosis (HE)
Defect of skeletal proteins
HE has fragile?
Ellipto RBCs to mechanical stress.
Hereditary Pyropoikilocytosis (HPP)
Severe subtype of HE
Deficiency of a-spectrin (Mutant spectrin leads to disruption of skeletal lattice and destab).
HPP cells fragment @ 45-46 Celcius
Present @ birth
Hemolytic Anemia
Exchange Transfusion
Serologic for HDN negative
Therapy: Spelenectomy
PB Smear:
Striking Poik (Budding, Frag,
Microspherocytes, Elliptos,
Triangulocytes, Bizarre forms
MCV decreased (25-55 fL(RBC Frag)
Hereditary Stomatocytosis (H-Stoma)
Membrane defect, abnormally permeable to sodium and potassium.
Group of disorders
Mild-Severe Hemolytic anemia
Associated W/ Rh null individuals
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH)
Rare acquired RBC membrane disorder.
Sleep-associated blood in the urine.
PTs often pancytopenic
Strongly associated W/ aplastic anemia
Significant # of PTs dev another clonal blood disorder: AML, CLL, CMD, MDS
Etiology of PNH?
SC mutation leading to abnormal clones of differentiated HSCs.
Clones bind complement.
9 cell surface proteins that regulate complement missing.
Result RBC membrane sensitive to complement.
Confirmation test for PNH?
Ham’s Test (Acidified Serum Lysis test)
PNH cells lyse in serum, Normal cells do not.
PNH therapy?
Directed at the complications that arise from anemia and thromboses.
Sugar water test
Blood incubated in a solution of sugar water.
Low ionic strength of the solution activates complement.
PNH cells are lysed.