Change and Drugs - Sheet1 Flashcards
What is precontemplation
Not yet acknowledging there is a problem
What is contemplation:
acknowledging there is a problem but not ready or willing to make a change
What is preparation/determination:
getting ready to change behaviors
What is action/willpower:
changing behaviors
What is maintenance:
maintaining the behavior changes
What is relapse:
Returning to old behaviors and abandoning new changes
What are 4 depressants
ETOH, Opioids, Barbs, BZDs
This presents with emotional lability, slurred speech, taxi, coma, blackouts and elevated GGT can be an indicator with AST 2x ALT
Alcohol intoxication
This can present as autonomic hyperactivity and Delirium tremens if a pt is hospitalized for an extended period of time with known chronic ETOH use
ETOH Withdrawal
This presents with euphoria, respiration and CNS depression, decreased GAG reflex, pupil constriction is key, seizures if taken too much
How do you treat Delirium tremens seen in ETOH withdrawal
This withdrawal presents with excessive sweating, dilated pupils, piloerection (cold sweat), fever, rhinorrhea, yawning, nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea with flue like symptoms
How do you treat opioid withdrawal:
long term support with methadone or buprenorphine
This OD presents with acute marked respiratory depression
This withdrawal presents with delirium and life-threatening CV collapse
What is treatment for OD on Barbiturates
-symptom management, respiratory assistance if necessary
This intoxication presents with ataxia and minor respiratory depression