CH40: Nutritional Deficiency Flashcards
Lack of essential nutrient in the diet or from a conditioning factor that increases the need for these nutrients (p. 1184)
Characterized by nystagmus, abducens, conjugate gaze palsies, ataxia of gait and confusion (p. 1185)
Wernicke disease
Retentive memory is impaired out of proportion to all other cognitive functions in an otherwise alert and responsive patient (p. 1185)
Korsakoff amnesic state
Wernicke encephalopathy (p. 1185)
ophthalmoparesis with nystagmus
acute apathetic-confusional state
Most frequent eye movement abnormality seen in Wernicke’s disease (p. 1186)
Lesion of Korsakoff amnesic state (p. 1188)
mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus
In chronic disease this is shrunken in Wernicke- Korsakoff syndrome (p. 1188)
mamillary bodies
EEG in Wernicke- Korsakoff syndrome (p. 1188)
diffuse mild to moderate slow activity
Which occular finding in Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome shows most dramatic improvement afer thiamine? (p. 1189)
Neuropathologic findings in Wernicke disease (p. 1189)
Symmerical lesions in the paraventricular regions of the thalamus and hypothalamus, mamillary bodies, periaqueductal region of the midbrain, floor of the fourth ventricle and superior cerebellar vermis
A mitochondrial disorder implicating pyruvae metabolism resembling those if Wernicke disease but have slightly different distribution and histologic characteristics (p. 1189_
Leigh encephalomyelopathy
Why is there hypothermia in WK disease (p. 1189)
Lesions in the posterior and posterolateral nuclei of the thalamus
Treatment for WK Syndrome (p. 1190)
50 to 200mg IV and similar dose IM
Cofactor for thiamine activity (p. 1190)
This clinical entity is predominantly a cardiac disorder occurring among people whose diet is dominated by polished rice (p. 1190)
Clinical findings of Beriberi (p. 1191)
thinness and tenderness of the leg muscles, loss or depression of the Achilles and patellar reflexes and at times a patchy blunting of pain and touch sensation over the feet and shins
Most prominent neurologic feature in patients with Beriberi (p. 1191)
Painful syndrome
Common manifestation of alcohol- induced nutritional neuropathy (p. 1191)
excessive sweating of the soles and dorsal aspects of the feet and the volar surfaces of the hands and fingers
T/F In nutritional polyneuropathy, only the limbs are involved and the abdominal, thoracic, and bulbar muscles are usually spared. (p. 1191)
Neuropatholgoic feature of Neuropathic Beriberi (p. 1192)
axonal degeneration; distal parts of the longest and largest myelinated fibers in the crural and to a lesser extent, brachial nerves
Treatment of Neuropathic Beriberi (p. 1193)
Aspirin or acetaminophen
Avoid opiates and synthetic analgesics
In its fully developed form, it affects the skin, alimentary tract and hematopoietic and nervous systems (p. 1193)
How does pellagra SCD (p. 1193)
Symptoms referable to both posterior and lateral columns, predominantly the posterior
Which is deficient in pellagra (p. 1194)
nicoinic acid or tryptophan
Treatment for pellagra (p. 1194)
Niacin 500mg per day for approximately 3 weeks
Anti-hyperensive that can cause sensory polyneuropathy (p. 1194)
Pyridoxine also leads to ___ because pyridoxine is a coenzyme for the conversion of homocysteine to cystathionine (p. 1194)
Treatment for Pyridoxine deficiency (p. 1195)
50mg per day orally for several weeks, followed by 2mg per day and a resumption of a normal diet
For nutritional folate deficiency, replacement is (p. 1195)
1mg Folate per day
Most consistent sign of Vitamin B12 deficiency (p. 1196)
Loss of vibration sense
First clinical manifestation of Vitamin B12 deficiency (p. 1196)
consisting of tingling pins and needles feelings or other vaguely described sensations
Neuropathologic findings in B12 deficiency (p. 1197)
swelling of myelin sheaths, characterized by intramyelinic vacuoles and separation of myelin lamellae followed by a coalescence of small foci of tissue destruction into larger ones sievelike appearance (like HIV myelopathy)
Essential cofactor of homocysteine to methionine (p. 1197)
serum B12 below ____ usually associated with neurologic symptoms of Vit B12 deficiency (p. 1198)
Treatment of Vitamin B12 deficiency (p. 1199)
1000micgro grams of cyanocobalamin or hydroxycobalamin IM each day for several days
Common and uniform type of degeneration of the vermian and anterior lobes of the cerebellum (p. 1201)
Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration
Instability of trunk in ACD (p. 1201)
3 Hz rhythmic swaying in the AP direction
Pathologic finding in ACD (p. 1202)
degeneration of all he neurocellular elements of the cerebellar cortex but particularly of the Purkinje cells in the anterior and superior aspects of the vermis
middle portion of the corpus callosum, which on gross examination appears rarefied and sunken and reddish or gray- yellow in color (p. 1203)
Marchiava- Bignami Disease