CH19: Delirium and Acute Confusional States Flashcards
patients incapacity to think with customary speed, clarity and coherence (p. 439)
isolated loss of past memories as well as to an inability to form new ones (p. 440)
deterioration of all intellectual or cognitive functions with little or no disturbance of consciousness or perception (p. 440)
congenital feeblemindedness (p. 440)
process of acquiring through the senses a knowledge of the world, or of one’s self by cohering what is snesed into giving meaning to what it is experienced (p. 4410
a syndrome in which newly preseneted material appears to be correctly registered but cannot me retained for more than a few minutes (p. 442)
Korsakoff amnesic sundrome
relative retention of older memories in preferene to newer ones (p. 442)
Ribot’s rule
false belief is maintained inspite of convinscing evidence to the contraray (p. 442)
revailing internal emotional state of an individual (p. 443)
outward emotional reactions evoked by a thought or an environmental stimulus (p. 443)
prominent delay in producing movement, speech, ideation and emotional reaction, together observed as a kind of apathy (p. 443)
patients isits or lies silent and motionless, with a staring coutenance, completely without volition and without reaction ti sensory impressions (p. 443)
constant restless movements and inability to sit still (p. 443)
states of confusion in which elements of hallucinations, delusions, disordered thinking comprise the prominent features (p. 444)
usuall EEG findings in confusion (p. 445)
bilateral high voltage slow waves in the range of 2-4 s to 5-7 s
what distiguishes delirum from other confusional states (p. 446)
signs of overactivity of the ANS
indication of the subsidence of the attack of delrium tremens (p. 446)
occurence of lucid intervals of increasing length and sound sleep
pathology in delirum tremens (p. 446)
no pathologic significance
subthalamic and midbrain lesions giving visual hallucinations that are not unpleasant and are accompanied by good insight (p. 446)
Peduncular hallucinosis of Lhermitte
EEG in delirium (p. 446)
symmetrical mild generalized slow activity 5-10/s
salivation normal, sweating increasedm gut hyerpeactive, diarrhea common, DTR exaggerated (p. 447)
Excessive antidepressants
what differentiates schiz, bipolar psychosis, mania from confusional states (p. 449)
clear sensorium, intact memory function
drug of choice for delirium tremens (p. 450)